University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

I sent my ACT in without superscoring, so I’m not sure what UofM’s policy is when it comes to superscores. If they don’t normally allow them, my guess is that that’ll be the case this year as well. Even if you self-report, most colleges require you to send in your official reports if you go there, and Michigan won’t be too happy if you self-report a superscore when it isn’t allowed.

Oh, I get it. No superscoring normally. But the commonapp has you submit best section scores while noting the test dates for each, so there’d be nothing untoward going on. MSU has you enter all scores, for example. Odd UofM does not and that it allows commonapp reporting this year (meaning that many applicants may only have submitted best section scores), which is what prompted the question. Maybe UofM won’t consider the scores under those circumstances. Who knows?

Michigan has a sorta super score as it is. They will look at your top scores per test. If you took the Act 3 times and got in math a 27,30 and 34. They will look at your 34 on that test. They look at your highest scores with one eye open and one closed but don’t call it superscoring…

I’d say the extension of the EA deadline to 11/16 really reduces the possibility of a pre-Xmas decision, unfortunately. I think most here will tell you that you’ll have to wait until mid-to-late January in order to get an EA decision.

Remember EA deferral is always a strong possibility every year with UMich and according to the Georgia Tech blog info posted in the Class of 2021 thread, for top colleges across the US, deferrals may even be more popular this cycle to help manage enrollment even more this year than other years.

For your planning purposes, finish those RD apps before their deadlines. And good luck!

I also think that Michigan will take full advantage of ED kids withdrawing their apps. They’ll wait this year for ED admits to withdraw their Michigan app in order to reduce acceptance rate. They need to wait until after the break to do this.

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Totally agree with this. If it works to their advantage, they may stick to this for the future.

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My son submitted his application early action to LSA with preferred admit to Ross. Should he have also received a portal for Ross?

Ross doesn’t receive your son’s application until he’s accepted by LSA.

On my portal, you can switch between Ross and LSA applications. They appear as two separate applications on the same portal.

Interesting. Can you actually log into each one?. Do they give you any instructions like in the Ross one?

I applied PA to SoE, and they show up as separate applications. However, there’s no way to log into anything yet.

thank you! He has that too. I apologize as I misunderstood

Here’s how it works for me. I go to the initial page for Michigan’s portal which makes me log in. Once I do so, I am taken to a screen where I can/must select which application to which I want to go. There are two options on this page: LSA Undeclared and Ross BBA. If I select LSA, under the middle “messages” section, the first option in the dropdown is called “preferred admission status.” When I click here it tells me that they have received my request for preferred admission to Ross. Furthermore, in the LSA portal, I can switch to my Ross portal using a dropdown in the upper righthand corner. I hope this explanation was helpful :smile:

Who else got into their ED school but just wants to see what schools they got into for fun?

Definitely not in the same boat. Waiting for my ED decision next week, along with two other EA schools.

You can’t do that! When you apply to an ED school you sign a legal contract agreeing to pull all applications to every other outstanding school. If your ED school finds out you did that, and many will since schools talk, they can rescind your application. It is also not fair to do that to other schools by having them spend the time reviewing an application “just for kicks” nor is it fair to someone that you’re preventing from getting in to a school.


There were some issues with my application submission where the university let me be unbound. Because they unbound me, I’m still thinking about other schools XD.

Thanks for the concern tho! Still not sold on umich but I figured why not, it could be fun to see if I can get in.

Sounds to me like you’re not a Wolverine. XD

Word on the street is expect a Michigan notification mid January but I think we all know this now. Students applying are being told this by their high school counselors now. Yes, they want to see how ED shakes out. This might be the new normal for them if things go well. Even schools like UIUC are coming out with EA and RD like the same day…that will be a disaster…I am not sure but if you don’t get in EA there that might be it…hope they change that.

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UIUC have done EA/RD notifications on the same day before in 2014 and 2015 so its nothing new for them. This year it was an exception due to Covid as a way to try to give students the best chance to test since most tests in Illinois were continuously cancelled and that’s where most of their applicants were from.