University of Michigan Ross Class of 2026

DD22 also applied to Marshall but after 12/2? So no scholarship consideration:(

No mailings here today. What was in the big envelope? Hoping to hear from Ross tomorrow afternoon, not sure my DD can wait another month or 2. Also applied to USC Marshall but no invite to interview for merit so losing faith that an acceptance will happen there. Hoping the best for all our kids tomorrow!

No swag in big envelope. DD22 was hoping for a flag! Fingers crossed for later this evening! And hang in there for USC. No waves like MI!

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Same!! Haha I wanted a flag

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No news on Ross.

On the other thread, 2 instate in. 1 OOS.

My DD was accepted to Ross today - she’s over the moon. OOS - Wisconsin
Keep the faith - doesn’t sound like anyone was denied yet



DD22 In Ross BBA today!!! She is so excited!!


Sorry to hear that; keep fingers crossed for next round

Nothing to do but wait. I think it will get harder each wave, as they compare RD/deferred students.

can those admitted to Ross let us know stats, or what helped?

DD Admitted Ross 2/18
36 ACT
4.0 UW GPA with 10 AP’s
AP exams all 5’s & one 4 (sent score report)
2 Var sports, captain of 1
National Merit Finalist
US Presidential Scholar candidate
DECA officer & multiple ICDC qualifier
Service club officer
Business internships
Part time job

Honestly don’t know what helped. Admittedly good stats, but nothing that stands out like starting her own business or any unique hook. Good Luck!! Every student winds up where they need to be, but I’m hoping we have a lot more happy Ross admits in a couple of weeks!


will u visit Ross admitted student day?

We were there last Friday! The Ross presentation & tour were outstanding.

That’s good to know! Is your DD committed?

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No. We are going to Georgetown’s Open House this week and then she will decide between the 2, I think. She is still waiting on a couple of other decisions later this month but I think she wants to make a decision sooner rather than later.
How about yours? I would say it was about 50/50 on Friday with 1/2 kids committed or ready to commit & 1/2 waiting on other acceptances or scholarship money

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almost across finish line! now the visits start with gusto!

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Anybody here any news back yet?

Hi there- I posted in the EA thread too- but wanted to share my DS21 exp. He was EA January 2021. Admitted to Ross in April 2021. Ross was his goal & those few months of waiting were a little stressful. Right before the April decision The Ross Administration posted on Social Media the April decisions were NOT all rejections & encouraged the students to keep the faith.(loved this btw). He loves Ross & UM! That is great u can do the Ross tour in person - my DS had to do everything over zoom. Good luck to all of you!! Wherever you land I know you will succeed!! :blush::blue_heart: