University of Michigan UROP help

Hey guys, I wanted to apply to the UROP program at Umich. I havent done any research before, so I’m pretty clueless as to what they really want to see in their essay. I also understand that the UROP is for freshman who have had NO research experience in the past. Can anyone show me sample essays for succesful UROP candidates?

  1. Briefly tell us why you are interested in doing undergraduate research.

  2. How will participating in research contribute to your short and long term academic/career goals?

These are the questions. Does anyone know what we can put in the essay?




@Rohitmohit What good will looking at past essays do you? These are very basic questions that can only be answered by looking at your own personal motivations for doing research. This isn’t an essay you’d turn in for English class… They are looking for genuine motivation and curiosity for research, not some “keyword” bs that everyone talks about here when applying to MLCs.

Tell us then, very genuinely, why you are applying to UROP