University of Michigan Waitlist Class of 2025

Honestly that’s not too bad. Only two months and everything will be settled!

Did they say when they’ll start sending out notifications?

have to keep our hopes up! please don’t trust rumors unless it’s confirmed. there’s no way that they won’t take a single person from the wl

Unfortunately not. My assumption is they have to spend time figuring out how much space they have, seeing what happens while other waitlists roll out, and sort through current waitlisted applicants. Not sure how long this would take, but only a little less than two months before majority of us should have a decision :slight_smile:


ah ok, thanks for the info

Hey y’all UM just changed their dorm numbers to allow for triples and quads after saying for months that next year will be only 80% capacity. They’ve extended their housing application to allow for people to change the types of housing they may want to the triple or quad. What’s interesting about it is yes you would think it’s because they’re mandating they vaccine however they are not eliminating the other dorm restrictions which are not being allowed in other dorms and only one extra person in your room, etc. That makes no sense and people are really upset. There may be some other restrictions as well. I think the fact they’re suddenly expanding back to trips and quads has more to do with them possible having over enrollment than covid reasons. Many schools have now acknowledged fheyve overenrolled, hit their targets or are not going to the WL. I’m concerned they overenrolled.

One win away from another national championship for Michigan.

I don’t think there’s anything we can do about this. From the info we got earlier in the thread, it seems like there’s still some potential for waitlist movement. If not, we just have to sit tight and wait for an email letting us know that their class is filled.

Either way, we’ll know for sure by the end of June or earlier.


Hi cc friends,

whether they already overenrolled or will move to the waitlist, the most important thing at this time is to get excited for where you commit for next year and they will let you know if their class is filled.

“You have MY best wishes for success in your pursuit of higher education.”

Signing off,


Has anyone heard anything about the waitlist?

I attended a zoom meeting for a winter cohort Sports Management Immersion Program that they are offering Kinesiology SM waitlist candidates to apply for. They did clearly state during the zoom, that the university has “over yielded” and they are doubtful they will tap into waitlist for Kinesiology.


I was going to ask you how that went. I also heard some stuff about UT and how people especially alumni are really upset they didn’t accept more top OOS students because schools like UM are taking them etc and UT isn’t because no one is getting in so the fact you did is actually huge! Don’t take that lightly!!

Huh. I wonder if this is the case for LSA and engineering as well.


i was a bit bummed after UMich zoom. it might very well be a way to get into UMich-- like a second class citizen.

  1. No coursework allowed during Fall- get a job or volunteer, or travel.
  2. No guaranteed winter/spring session housing— that’s a big red flag.
  3. They are charging a surcharge-- even more than regular Kines tuition, which is among the highest colleges at MICH.
  4. Immersion part is the mark up in cost, yet it’s cancelled and on hold due to covid and still working on alternate plans.
  5. They also did not or could not guarantee that any of these winter cohort classes would be in person. Could still- sounds like likely be offered online for this cohort.
  6. decision won’t be until july 1- 2 late imo.

Staying the course with UT. Econ with sport management double major or minor along with accounting minor or something else at McCombs.

Just messaged you.

I have been thinking for awhile that they along with many other schools have over-enrolled. Some have admitted it, some haven’t. This program at least has admitted it. I know it’s a small program. For other programs I think they are waiting to see if kids go out of the waitlist to Ivies or something they view more “elite”.

My son is waitlisted at 3 schools but is not going to take a spot at any if offered. But, others might take a spot at one of those places, so it’s things like that which would make a shift, but it just doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of it going on anywhere. A normal year for waitlist activity it seems. So one more thing everyone was wrong on. It’s beyond frustrating for those who were one a lot of waitlists.

yep. A big issue with this is it’s still an “if” which is frustrating. If they would have offered it now, IDK it would have been better to consider. They have 125 on waitlist for SM now. My parents looking to buy so I can get in state soph year. can’t wait till July then for UMich.
Its a full summer course load to make up for missed fall semester. 4 classes in may-june. said you can catch up. So you pay more but lose the fall semester. After being remote almost all year I need to move out already.

Still not really a normal year though. Many colleges waitlisted way more applicants, only to offer no spots. This is especially bad considering U-M has always had to go to there waitlist in recent years.


I can’t speak for other programs like LSA or Engineering. I applied to SM in Kines/Dual Preferred Ross. They specifically stated on zoom last week- they were already over yield and would not need to tap waitlist for this program. They have 125 students on waitlist. They invited all WL students in this program to apply for an SMI Immersion Program with a January 2022 Start.

When asked what their targeted yield would be for this cohort they did not answer clearly. They also responded to questioning, by stating that WL applicants are already ranked with application by “points” from admissions.