University of Michigan Waitlist Class of 2025

of course, they don’t bother telling you where your rank is on this list.

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Of course. They must also know from prior years that they get a certain amount of attrition every year whether it’s from kids that drop out of UM/can’t hack it, don’t start, transfer to other schools within UM, transfer to another college altogether or something else. So why not just fill those spots with bodies if they can. Maximize revenue. Whoever came up with the idea of Spring admit at various universities was a genius. Then once you’re in, it’s on your to make up the fall semester but unlike other universities being ok with the lost revenue, they suggest you can take the courses there. Although, you can also just go to summer school somewhere else and not spend the money at UM. But stupid they don’t let you go to a CC in the Fall. Not sure the rationale behind that.

If this is the first time they offered this program they probably didn’t know what to expect and will no doubt do better next year but I’m sure they also won’t have problem getting people who so badly want to go there they will do it. Or, kids that don’t have a great option, or live in state and dying to go to UM and headed to MSU (not that there’s anything wrong with MSU but some people only care about UM at all costs).

@warrior2 Absolutely. Crazy year indeed and a lot of kids once again will be left behind just as they were with acceptances and all the waitlists thinking they would then have a bunch of waitlist acceptances which doesn’t look like that is panning out for many at all.

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Where did you hear 125 students on the waitlist? At the first SMI info session, they said they had 200…

Any updates from anyone on the thread?

Seems like the only people that have been contacted are in the kinesiology program. Doesn’t look like any applicants for other programs have been contacted yet. I suggest going on Live Chat to talk with admissions to ask when your specific program should get an answer. It will probably still be late June.

He was on a zoom thing he said for a spring admit program. Look upthread.

On the zoom L’Joya Orr said 200 WL for Kinesiology. SM being the most popular program in Kines- approx. 125 WL. I recorded the zoom.

There ain’t news other than kinesiology then. I guess they are afraid of summer melt and taking it slow.
This is a link to the info Kines sent to WL.

UT accepts roughly the top 6% of high school students in the state, right off the top. The fact that it is a huge state and (like California) they are trying to accommodate more in-state, not sure if it is due to Covid, or dedication to Texans (similar to Texas Medical Schools.) I’m sure admissions had some tough decisions because there is a lot of talent already here in Texas. Tough year all around. I have the opposite issue happening at Michigan as a former alumni. Son got in to UT, but waitlisted at Michigan.

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UT accepts doesn’t accept less OOS students than they have been but the push is for them to accept more and to get them to come. They still accept plenty others aside from the Top 6% but still just accepting 8% OOS and 2% international and the push is to not turn away the top OOS as they are still doing. Top students are still getting into UT in state but they’re also losing great OOS students. Being in the top 6% of a class only guarantees admission to UT not necessarily one of the top majors so there is plenty of room left for those kids not in the top 6% at a top school to get into those programs in state.

Our OOS school is seeing a few number of acceptances to UT than typically but the other school in our district has an increased number and is sending double digit numbers of kids. Both of our schools are sending a high number of kids to Michigan. I think we have almost 20 out of a class of more than 400 which is more than usual but we didn’t fare as well with the Ivies this year so Michigan was the benefactor.

UT this year though was a cluster with their admissions and I’m glad my son decided not to apply even though it might have made my life easier to have kids at the same schools.

I have no issue with UT serving priority in-state students if they meet the requirements. I think it’s great because they leave room for capped students for future years. They cap quite a few students. If the school has to in state students then they probably don’t consider it a loss. They have a huge endowment that keeps growing.

Correction. If UT has top “in-state” students then they probably don’t consider it a loss. Huge diverse population already resides in Texas.

True. Unfortunately for those capped it doesn’t help them if they want to get into the more competitive majors. UT is so stingy on merit scholarships the endowment really doesn’t go back to them but at least it helps them fund professors etc. It’s such a great bang for its buck for in state people especially in the top rated programs I always cringe when some (not all) don’t realize how lucky they are.

There are not many top rated public universities you can go to for $13k/year. Michigan is going to cost as much as my daughter’s Ivy which is hard to fathom. And for a lot of TAs which again is also something UT doesn’t do. I didn’t realize that until recently and am hoping my son will consider some honors classes that he is eligible for just so he can get the professors instead of the TAs.

Michigan is such a great school (expensive, but great.) I went there for grad school and even though I was freezing I loved the experience 10-fold over my experience at UCLA.

Yeah my kids when they looked at UCLA were not excited by it and crossed it off their list. Gorgeous campus but that’s all it did for them. Huge classes was a bug negative. I wasn’t with them on that trip so not sure what else they were turned off by. They would’ve applied to UCB over UCLA but chose not to apply to either.

Michigan was where they each would’ve ended up if not at their first choice and my senior son is headed to Michigan which was not his first choice but he’s pretty excited nonetheless. In a year of strange beyond strange for these seniors he’s over it all and thrilled with the opportunities.

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Did you go to Ross for grad school?

Your son will love Michigan. Is he already used to the cold and overcast days?

We love in Chicago so the weather will pretty mich be the same. Maybe a little better since we have the wind off the lake here. But he’s definitely ready and not bothered by it. He’s my one kid that used to be hot year round which is funny since his room is over the garage and usually the coolest.

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Hey, does anyone know the status of waitlisted applications to LSA? Gimme some estimates of what my chances are?

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