University of Michigan Waitlist Class of 2025

Well um even if internationals have visa problems, it isn’t necessary for them to be on-campus, and there’s gonna be reliefs too.
As an international applicant myself, I believe that there should be waitlist acceptances coming in soon, because if they weren’t going to, they wouldn’t have made us wait up so long

Orientation starts in a little over a week. Students have to pay for it. As people start to no show or not sign their housing contracts when those start to come out they may know if they will have any openings. Calling them isn’t going to open up a spot any sooner. Considering other Big 10 and Ivies are starting to close their waitlists it may be an even bigger long shot now for spots to open at Michigan especially if they overenrolled in the first place but you never know.


I was checking the classof2023 waitlist thread and @sushiritto said something so similar to this and only 100 people got in from waitlist with wave on 8th June. I think this year is similar to that year and 50 to 150 max for this year.

That could very well be that it’s a more normal year as that does seem to be the case at other schools. The only difference I would bet is that Michigan’s waitlist is much bigger than 2 years ago. I don’t know why some of these schools don’t release people off their lists. If they do have 12k like last year, then no reason why they can’t let half of them know they won’t be taking them.


Exactly, let’s see how June goes by. They don’t give any info too. For example, UVa dean said that there won’t be much waitlist action, so people on the list mostly moved on. The lack of communication is the most suffering IMO.

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I’ve mentioned previously, when researching years ago, that I actually saw a 4th of July WL acceptance here on CC, so anything is still possible. I’ve heard that there’s been more double-depositing this year than in previous years and there’s always a bit of “summer melt.”

I wouldn’t expect too much though.


Any updates?

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The only updates I’ve seen are some kids are starting to get their dorm assignments which other parents have said are earlier than usual. If the housing agreement is signed (they have 5 days to sign it) they say they’re legally binding, so if someone double dipped this might be where they start to drop. Also, registration starts Monday and you have to pay for that also, so again if people double dipped, this may be where the melt starts to occur once they see if people blow off their orientation sessions or if people who paid the deposit haven’t signed up for a session.

Also regarding the housing contracts, supposedly they will be rolling them out weekly through August. I can’t help but wonder if they’re earlier this year to try to get a sense of whether or not people have double dipped or just to get a sense of the space they really have available.


Decided to withdraw. Going to georgia tech for CS.


Thank you for doing that. I wanted to say that please withdraw if you are not going to attend in case of getting off the waitlist, especially if you are an international. It is already hard to get visas and making the processes slower will not help at all. Thanks in advance.

congratulations on gt! it is a great school. what are your stats?

1 more week then game over.

It’s very unlikely at this point. Good luck to where you are going to.

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my son has decided to withdraw as well… the lack of communication on their end is really frustrating

I think it’s probably best to refrain from making predictions at this point.

People predicted that this would be a great waitlist year. People have predicted that the waitlist decisions would be released for the past few weeks.

But if there’s only a bit of summer melt it’s possible that they’re won’t even be one big release date. Either way, it’s impossible to have a reliable prediction unless it’s directly from the admissions office.

Same! I have withdrawn my application as well, applied to CoE but chances of getting off seem really slim this year.

Last year, the waitlist continued into august. I don’t think I have the patience to wait that long so withdrawing as well (waitlisted to LSA)

I am an international but since I got my F-1 visa, I heard that I can use that to attend Michigan later on if I get accepted.

Committed to another uni and got F-1 visa this week.

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Transfer F-1? Does that require you to go to the embassy, or can you just do it remotely? Also, may I ask which country u got the visa from since mine gives appointments no earlier than 2022.

My D18 was accepted to ucb, uva and waitlisted at umich.
She is happy with berkeley so has decided to withdraw from the waitlist for someone who might really need the spot.


Thank you to all of you. Every withdrawal counts. :heart:
If you don’t plan on committing then please withdraw for someone who needs it more than you.
Us fellow students need to help each other out in these uncertain times.