University of Michigan Waitlist Class of 2025

Hey guys, I was also on the waitlist this year. I have news for everyone on here. Out of respect for the person who told me I cannot share who but they work within departments at the university that deal with this information hands-on. LSA as of now will not be taking anyone off the waitlist. They accepted too many students due to covid with the anticipation many wouldn’t accept or take gap years. However, few students did this as this pandemic is near its end. I just pulled my LSA waitlist today after hearing the news. The same happened with Ross and I assume the other schools on campus. It’s been an overwhelming process for all of us and to hear this news was devastating. But, after coming across the thread I wanted to share it with you. I’m not saying withdraw your waitlist - but there’s a high chance the waitlist won’t be touched. I’m here writing this because this process was unnecessary and unhealthy to sit through so I wanted to share this with y’all if it helps. I will be attending UF in the fall. Go gata!


I am waitlisted at LSA, what are my odds of getting in?

Is it over for me?

Honestly, it’s over for everyone. Move on and fall in love with the school you committed. The probability of these waitlist things won’t be higher than a lottery hit. My son is on the waitlist of LSA and another university, so the same boat :slight_smile: If miracle does happen, we will reassess the situation, but I don’t think my son will change his plan anymore.


you can do this remotely. U just ask the uni to transfer your sevis record. I did in Japan.

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I’m not too happy with what happened to my admissions process this year. If I go where I am committed, I’m most likely going to transfer. At the end of the day, that’s all I can really hope for at this point lol.

I was offered a full ride to Northwestern and already paid my deposit there. Michigan favours OOS on their waitlist for $$. I’m not expecting much aid so decided on withdrawing as well.

Ur nickname aged well ig :smiley: Hf in Chicago, people give up on ivies for nw full ride!


I called the AO in the morning and the representative told me that they seem to have overenrolled and very few if any will be getting off the waitlist this year.

I also asked if they favoured students who did not apply for aid in the waitlist, and she vaguely confirmed. My efc is pretty low so I’m deciding on withdrawing as well.


rip. I wish you all good luck on your committed colleges!

Northwestern is amazing!

Is engineering over rolled as well? This is an international engineering applicant

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Same here. I guess a call would be nice, but I can’t cuz of phone code difference.

Is this for LSA?

Nah I’m asking about engineering. LSA is over enrolled, as some others have already said so in this thread

I’d recommend if you are not international or oos, and requesting aid then withdraw your application. If past years are taken into consideration then you are simply setting up yourself for disappointment. Be content with the colleges you were accepted to and move on.

I know from my school at least 3 people have gotten off of the waitlist in previous years. I just know they were given close to nothing money wise also I’m in state.

Sounds like Engineering is overenrolled almost everywhere, especially those that have CS programs within their Engineering as that is the hottest major of interest these days, even though many also don’t stick with it.


I contacted U of M today and was told they would release waitlist decisions by end of June.

This is just untrue…there is zero truth to this statement no matter where you “heard” it. The admissions office has been forthcoming - there will be movement on the waitlist…I am happy that you were able to move on - but don’t use this to deter others…let UM run their process and let us know when they have answers…but actual admissions officers have assured me that there will be some movement on those lists.