University of Michigan Waitlist Class of 2025

Anyone waitlisted from the nursing school?

last year the first wave of waitlist offers were made on April 23rd. can we expect a similar wave this year?

Last year was an anomaly in every way. With the sudden Covid emergency colleges realized that international students would likely not be able to attend (or OOS students who would be nervous to travel) and they started pulling heavily from waitlists.
This year is atypical in its own ways of course, but you really can’t look at last year for guidance.

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Last year it went out to august. I hope it isn’t like that this year

My daughter was a 2024 wait list. She got her acceptance email before the end of April. I know last year was an anomaly, but I thought I’d post because we remember being in your position last year. Good luck!


this year is abnormal too, just slightly less bad as last year, though. hope there will be an april wave. fingers crossed. i love umich a lot.

I think this year is much worse for the admissions process than 2024 (I had a senior last year too). Their process was normal, until covid struck and additional kids got offers off of waitlists. This year is chaos.


Exactly, chaos is the accurate description of this round of admissions process.

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Yeah I think it would be safe to say this is one of the worst years for the admission process. The circumstances culminated into a perfect, disastrous storm.

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My son is on 1 other waitlist & it read more like “you are among a select group of high-achieving students” & was immediately clear that he was being offered a position on the waitlist. It makes me wonder if the other school just sends out more flattering waitlist offers to all students or if UMich sent out 2 different letters - 1 flattering & the other the “oh by the way” at the end of the long rejection sounding letter. I have heard others who received the UMich waitlist offer similar to my son’s but did anyone get a flattering one from UMich?

The worst part this year it seems is that several spots are taken by students deferred from last year. For example if Umich admitted > 1200 kids from waitlist last year more than double from previous years does this mean that many students deferred from last year and will occupy spots this year leaving less positions this year while avg 30% increase in per college applications ( though total college applying kids do not seem to increase more than 1%)

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My son is wait listed too and has exactly the same wordings. I presume therefore that this is standard template

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I started to make my son’s high school graduation announcements. I always thought it was good when they list what university they are attending but now realize why that detail is sometimes omitted. You either list their 2nd choice but accepted school with the potential to have to send out corrections later if they get off the waitlist - or just omit that detail entirely!

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This is what my son received. It’s not flattering at all, actually, rather cold. Are you seeing a different version?

We have completed a final individualized and comprehensive review of your University of Michigan application and all supporting documents. While you have many impressive qualities, we regret to inform you that we are not able to offer you a place in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts for fall 2021 at this time.
However, we’re honored to be one of your college choices, and appreciate the time and energy you spent creating a thoughtful application for admission. This decision is not a reflection of you as a person or student. Our decision has more to do with the fact that we don’t have enough space in our entering class to admit all of the talented people who apply to U-M.
Because college is an important next step, we encourage you to make enrollment plans at another college or university. Many applicants who are not admitted to the University of Michigan as first-year students continue their interest in U-M and enter as transfer students. You may wish to consider applying after successfully completing two years of study at another college or university. Our website contains more information about transfer guidelines.
Meanwhile, we occasionally admit a small number of applicants before the end of June from our waitlist. Please go to Enrollment Connect and notify us of your intentions to accept or decline this waitlist offer before May 1. Visit our website for more information on the waitlist.
Thank you for your interest in the University of Michigan. You have our best wishes for success in your pursuit of higher education.


When you go to notify your wait list intention, does it read differently? Or is it only click yes or no?

Ugh - I forgot about all the kids who deferred from last year due to COVID. Good for them for finally getting to go but yeah that only further decreases spots for kids this year. My son has a really great school to go to no matter what but I will be so happy when all the decisions are made and we can properly celebrate & commit to his for real university.

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I don’t recall that at all. The above is the decision letter from the portal on 3/26.

Do we know if UMICH will send out waitlist offers in waves?

I looked on the waitlist thread from last year - the first time I saw people post that they got in off the waitlist was 4/23 but I could have missed something. I also read people talking about how their waitlist letter sounded like a rejection letter & how they almost missed the tiny part at the end of the letter.
UPDATE: actually it looked like one big wave of acceptances on 4/23/20 & not much after that. A person here or there the 1st week of May & a couple SMI on June 11. Some said admissions said they would admit thru June 30 but the thread died on June 23rd.

Just for reference to transfer to CS at UIUC you need a minimum of 3.75 not 3.7 and even then you have to apply as it is not automatic since it is an impacted major. Don’t just assume if you get the 3.75 you are in. Many do not make it.

At Purdue they have already said for next year due to the number of students who have committed to CS that they probably won’t be taking transfers into CS. Not sure what that means for transfers from within Purdue but CS is the hardest major to transfer into.

So go to the guaranteed program you’re in without the expectation that you will be able to transfer. If he is in EE at UIUC then expect that’s where he’ll end up with no guarantee to transfer and if he’s ok with that that’s ok too.

Math is in CAS at Cornell, ORIE and IE are in Engineering so there is a difference. It all really depends on the school. Same with UM - Math is in LSA, but CS is in either LSA or Engineering. Have to get in first to any of those schools but can’t go wrong with UIUC if you’re already in.