University of Michigan Waitlist Class of 2025

Last year UM had over 10k on their waitlist and took just over 1200. This year I wouldn’t be surprised if there are more, but I also suspect their yield is pretty high this year so I wouldn’t hold your breath at this point. Housing is already due on May 5 and registration/advising starts right after apparently so things are moving along quickly.

I don’t envy you and honestly have to say I am so glad high school announcements are just not a thing around here!

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let’s go friends!!! hopefully a BIG ACCEPTANCE WAVE next week!!! ik last year was rare but this year is awkwardly bad as well so… maybe next week idek but i still love umich so much and it hurts >:( i really want to go blue with y’all, but

(go illini)


May I ask where did you see this?

That’s the one I received

Sorry I’m not sure what you are asking. My son received a waitlist offer that read like a rejection letter until the very end & I was just wondering if this was the letter that everyone received or if some received more flattering waitlist letters.

What you described sounds the same as the letter I posted, exactly like a rejection. In the reality, it is indeed a rejection. My son has moved on and won’t go to Michigan even he gets off the waitlist.

Yes it was the exact same as the one you posted. Good luck to your son!

If that is the case, it would be great if he rescinded his application. Accepting waitlist offers with no intent to consider attending only draws out the process and could take a spot from someone who really wants it!



I would assume everyone who was not offered admission received the first 3/4 and those who were offered the waitlist got the extra ending. It’s very unlikely (and confusing) for a school to send a nice letter to some and a different letter to others.

I agree that would be confusing and I’m not suggesting they do that - I was only wondering if they did do that.

It looks like Michigan took the rejection letter and tacked on the waitlist info at the end for those they offered it to. They could do it this way because it’s easy, but my guess it could also tell them who actually read through the letter and is truly interested in attending. There are probably many that read the first lines, stopped, and let it go as if they were rejected. Definitely not the norm, so I wouldn’t worry if the waitlist letters vary.

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You can always email your Regional AO and confirm that you are on the waitlist which is what my D did to confirm her spot.

Does anyone know how many people were waitlisted for Ross? What are the chances of getting in off waitlist?

The focus now is to pick one from his top three schools. He will decide one or two schools to stay on the waitlists and drop the rest after May 1st. Until then, we will keep all the options open. Things always change in the last minutes. Once he commits to one of his top schools in the next 10 days, it will become clear which waitlist is worth keeping. Staying on many waitlists causes a lot of anxiety. We all had enough of that during this waiting game. Good luck to everyone.

Judging from last year’s waitlist-- the first waves have more acceptances than the last ones. Fingers crossed.

hopefully this week!

Are you saying hopefully this week as in you are hoping some waitlist decisions will come out this week? I sincerely doubt that any waitlist decisions will be made this week. We can’t make judgements using data from last year because last year was an anomaly. Some schools go to their waitlist before May and UMich did last year, but last year was different. This year is different too but it’s different not in the same way last year was different. Who knows maybe there will be waitlist movement this week but I do not think so.

Is UMich less likely to give out early waitlist offers? Why did they do it last year?