University of Michigan Waitlist Class of 2025

Because of covid and a lot of kids were taking Gap years and Ivy Leagues and other elite schools went to their waitlists in April last year. The only school I’ve heard of going to their waitlist early this year is U Chicago.

Makes sense.
People who took a gap year made admissions harder this year.
Still hoping for a wave of offers soon though!

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i understood.
i just wish the waitlist would come earlier, especially for international students who need to get their visa before coming to the u.s.
though it is unlikely to be this early, it would not hurt to have a little hope.

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I completely agree with you.

Yeah. I too wish waitlist decisions would come earlier. I am not international but I imagine the uncertainty of waitlists in conjunction with getting a visa must be extremely stressful.

Waitlisted applicant here. I received this update yesterday, yet nothing changed on my portal. What exactly is this??

Did anything at all change in your portal - additional buttons?

Nothing, everything is the same, and it still says I’m on the waitlist. Incredibly confused.

what do you think they mean about preferred admissions status? Did you apply LSA, Ross??

I applied to engineering with a dual degree in Ross. This is the only thing that’s under “preferred admissions”

Well hopefully this means some people including you will get off the waitlist tomorrow or Friday. I hope it’s good news for you. Good luck!

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I don’t know what this means but hopefully it’s good news for you! Can I ask if you submitted a LOCI after receiving your waitlist decision. I know they say they don’t consider them but I am just curious.

What does it say under the “Financial Aid” tab for everyone?

I didn’t send a LOCI

Hi! Has anyone here gotten off the waitlist yet? Does anyone have any information regarding when we will hear? Curious if it will possibly be before the May 3rd deadline or should we expect to hear mid to end of May that the waitlist begins to move. Also- how many people do they typically take of the waitlist at a time? Just curious how this usually works.


if this email is not an accident, then it probably bodes well since the wl change is this early though. best wishes! did u get into engineering but waitlisted at ross?

btw, if anyone gets off the waitlist, let us know! lets celebrate ;0

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I was waitlisted from UMich in general (engineering), which is why I’m kind of confused since “preferred admission” would refer to my Ross application.

that is confusing! hope things goes well for you! wait i think i remember that u got into stern right?