<p>Okay guys it all comes down to this.</p>
<p>I am intenational Undergrad.
Majoring in Computer Science.
Admits from both.</p>
<p>Global excellence scholarship from Minnesota so i guess ill be paying instate Tution there.</p>
<p>Texas A&M no such scholarship but as far as I've heard I can get an Instate status from the 2nd sem if i do well which I'm bound to.</p>
<p>Which should i choose?
I like both and have no personal preference.</p>
<p>I wanna know about anything future prospects, people(considering im International).</p>
<p>These 2 are the final choices for me so please SOS.</p>
<p>hey man! congrats on your global excellence! i got one too
<p>i would really go for U Minn because CSE is really a top notch science/engineering college. i don’t know the exact ranking for either minnesota or texas a&m for computer science, but i would really go for minn. the only thing i would consider is the weather. minnesota will be extremely cold in winter and there are lots of really nice winter activities everyone can participate in, whereas texas will not be as cold. depends on you really.</p>
<p>Congrats to you too mate.</p>
<p>Well yeah. I’m really confused.
I might just get some aid from texas You know.</p>
<p>But yeah now that minneosta costs less i have it packed on my list.
I’ll have to do some extensive research. </p>
<p>Maybe even go with dad on tour. He’s going in the first week of April so i think i’ll try and go with him. See which one suits me and then decide.</p>