University of Minnesota Twin Cities vs University of Wisconsin Madison

These are my top two schools and I have a hard time choosing between the two. I know I’m thinking too far ahead and there is even a chance that I won’t get into either school. It’s just fun to think about. I live in Suburban Minnesota. I’m Asian. I really love sports, especially college football and basketball. I love food. I know the Twin Cities offer great affordable food but I don’t know if Madison does. I love the outdoors but in the end city life triumphs. I’m very social. I need a quiet place to study and I love to go out with friends. Both schools I can afford and the education equally great. What are your guys thought about the two schools?

Some basic Pros

UMN Pros-
Close to Home
Familiar Faces but will meet more new people
Metropolitan feel

UW Madison Pros-
Meet new people
Amazing at Football and Basketball
Traditions on a whole new level

Perhaps it depends on what your major would be and how those departments compare.

The department I would be in is education. I believe that Madison has a better education program.

It can come down to a literal coin toss.

btw- you should consider that you will be a student and spending almost all of your time on campus or walking distance to it. Food in the UW dorms has been great in quality and variety, plus choices. State St has some great ethnic restaurants. A great campus means you won’t want to leave it.

There will be plenty of people from MN at UW. Plus- both campuses are large enough it is possible to not see those familiar faces. Wherever you go try to avoid sticking with HS friends and increase your social group.

You don’t need to decide until you have the acceptances in hand- do not think about this anymore at this time. Same decision making until you have the actual choice and the need to choose comes next spring.

It can be useful for your diversity search to learn the familiar surroundings. There is a whole world outside the Twin Cities. I do not see how the either place will be much more “diverse” than the other.

Finally- look at the courses required and offered relevant to your proposed field. Look at the likelihood of being accepted to the major. Do not be put off by any competition to get in- you have to presume you are good enough.

If you end up accepted to both, take the time to visit UW as well as State street and the downtown area. The campus is about the same size as the U of M and there are many similarities. One large difference is that the campus isn’t split like the St. Paul campus. The dorms are roughly split into two groups, southeast and Lakeshore. Southeast is more urban while Lakeshore borders the lake and is quieter. Madison is not as big of a city as the Twin Cities but it still has many things to do. There’s dozens of places to eat on or near State street with lots of variety.

Outdoors-there are several parks and two lakes nearby. U of M has a lot of parks but UW has more overall due to the Arboretum and picnic point areas. Both cities are physically active and bicycle-friendly.

Sports-Football and Basketball are slightly better at UW but U of M is close and better in Hockey. Madison doesn’t have any major pro teams so college sports get large crowds.

Academics-I can’t say much since I don’t know the education program at either school.