University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

Let year my son received the full tuition scholarship early on and was still invited for Chancellors. If they get the Chancellors they just swap out the scholarships.


I-O! Thank you for this post. We’re going to do admitted student days for both Pitt and Ohio State. We visited both before she applied, and I think she liked OSU a bit better, but I honestly think she could be happy at either school - neuro is such a tough major!

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I got accepted into honors as well, but with the cost, I don’t think Pitt is a realistic option. I’m kind of sad because I’m very proud of my achievement lol.


On Pittsburgh’s website, I saw something that said around 7,000 applicants apply for honors but only 400 are invited.


A little late to the party but I just checked my email today. I got into honors (yay!). Does anyone know when Chancellor’s invitations go out? I’d probably need to receive a chancellor’s scholarship to make Pitt work financially (pretty slim odds but you never know).


I saw on Reddit two people received the Chancellor’s notice this afternoon

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I saw one on Reddit… anyone here got an invite?

Though he said he got an email. our personal experience every time has been that we get the email 2 days after the portal is updated :slight_smile:

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I was admitted into Honors but haven’t even gotten an email for that yet. Just happened to check on the portal. How can they be so inconsistent with emails?

Actually, they are pretty consistent :wink: always 2 days after they update their portal she’s gotten an email :wink:

i’m seeing on reddit that someone received notification that they were a chancellor finalist…just praying they’re wrong or send in batches since i have no email :sweat_smile:

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Hello Pitt Panthers, D22 was just notified that she is now in Pitt Honors :smiley:

What’s up with Chancellor’s?? I’m rooting for you all on this thread!


Not sure what’s going on with Chancellors invite emails. Hard to believe that only one person has reported on Reddit so far or that no one on this forum has gotten an email thus far.


That’s what im thinking. Unless they want to keep it private

totally agree

I agree too. I’m hopeful that maybe the one on Reddit is mistaken and they haven’t been sent.

I don’t think they have been sent. I looked at the referenced discussion on Reddit, and I believe folks were discussing Honors decisions, not specifically Chancellor’s invites. Best of luck!


One person on Reddit noted the subject line of the Chancellor’s email, and then posted some of the body of the letter. It seemed legit, but then again, I guess it’s possible that the information came from an email that somebody posted in a past year. In any case, this person wasn’t mistaken. He or she either got a Chancellor’s invite or deliberately lied about it.

I don’t expect my son to get an invite, but I’ve still been checking this thread in the hopes that others on here will! He has a 4.0 UW/5.7 W GPA, but SAT score of “only” 1520. His EC’s are fine, but nothing spectacular. Leadership isn’t his thing, and his essay wasn’t great either. I think that his heart is at UMD. He was in 5th grade when my oldest left for UMD and my daughter is there now, so he has grown up wearing all of the swag and rooting for Terps basketball and football. The Chancellor’s Scholarship is the one last thing standing between him and committing to UMD. He just feels that if he is offered the opportunity for the Chancellor’s that he needs to see where it leads. I’ll just be happy when this is all over!


My friend’s DD’s college counselor told her that people lie about admissions, stats, etc ALL the time. So I’m a little bit skeptical that the Reddit post is accurate. Might be wishful thinking on my part, though! It just seems like at least one person on here would’ve had a kid who got an invitation.

I agree. The odds would seem to favor at least one of the kiddos represented on this thread getting an invite.


I don’t mean to burst anyone’s bubbles, but a girl in a group chat for Pitt admits (Patio) posted she got a Chancellor’s invite. She sent a screenshot of the email and it was from ‘PittHonors’. Sorry, but it’s over.