University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

Thank you for letting us know. Atleast we can now move on and weigh all our options.


Maybe someone on this thread got an invite but isn’t sharing the information. I think that is possible and makes sense to me. If that’s the case, good luck!

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D22 will be committing to Pitt today! Anyone else committed or know they will?


I guess my son didn’t get an invite. We will keep our tour scheduled for next month and see what he thinks. It’s one of the more expensive places though and I’m not sure it makes a ton of sense. But I do want him to have more options.

Im sorry for those really deserving students who didn’t get a Chancellor’s invite. It’s frustrating and disappointing

Congrats to her!! My D22 will commit next week! We’ve ordered a few Pitt things to celebrate and they haven’t come yet, which is why we’re waiting…and she doesn’t know! She’s asking, “What’s the hold up?” Lol!


Hahaha, that’s great!

Based on the waitlist for Honors I’m sure everyone who received a Chancellor’s invite is an incredible student. We can’t be frustrated by that part.

The frustrating part for me is that as Pitt continues to climb the rankings and is perceived as the affordable alternative for Ivy level applicants, and as more students apply to 10+ schools due to the ambiguities of test optional, merit & scholarship money will increasingly go to people who won’t end up attending Pitt.


Maybe a little disappointing, but we both knew it was a long shot, really. There aren’t enough invites for all those types of students. I hope our visit goes well and he really likes the campus. I wish we had been able to go when we were originally scheduled in December. But maybe we’ll get to see more with fewer restrictions and all in April.


Committed last week! H2P!


The one thing I don’t like about Pitt is actually H2P - at the accepted student day I just was like huh?
But I’m anti school mantras in general. My H is a Penn State grad and nothing annoys me more than when he wears his logo baseball hat and a stranger says “we are…”
Like, who cares! :joy:
Honestly, I’m a really nice person, but I find such things to be weird!


This is the case at so many of the public universities now. At UMD, the Banneker Key Scholarship also goes to the applicants that the university is trying to woo away from the Ivies and other top tier schools. UMD sends out far more invites than Pitt does for the Chancellor’s (and everybody walks away from the interview with at least a half tuition scholarship), but by and large, the full B/K often ends up being awarded to students who go elsewhere. College admissions and merit/scholarship money is all one big game these days.

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I LOVE these kind of spirit traditions!


Born and raised in Pittsburgh, I also don’t get H2P. “Hail to Pitt” kind of seems weird to me. Also, can you believe I never heard the cathedral called “Cathy” until my S19 was a freshman??? And I went to a nearby college, LOL.


Same and same.

H2P always seems odd. I agree with the other poster who said that Penn State’s “We are…” and similar response chants (“O-H…”) seem so odd among adults and strangers, especially in public. I went to a nerdy, highly selective college without any of this kind of school spirit, so maybe that’s why it strikes me as cult-y.

I am wondering if Cathy is a newer thing. I have been in and around Pittsburgh for decades and only started hearing it recently.

All that aside, just about every person I have known to go to Pitt has had a great experience. I am hoping the same holds true for my committed Pitt 2026!


They should send out an email to all - ‘invites have been sent to all who are getting one.’ We need legit proof to give up all hope lol


Anyone received any email about Chancellor interview?

Do they not reuse that money for some other students?

When they make the offers, they have assumptions about how many will be accepted. They know not all the money they offer will get used.

It’s similar to offering more acceptances than you hope will enroll.

I love the college slogans. My DD went to a big football high school school (many times state champs, ranked top 10 nationally etc). She loved the school spirit and the fact that if she is wearing a t-shirt from her hs and ran into another alum, they’d flash a hand signal and call out the slogan. Still happens too. She was looking for the same for college so loved the Pitt H2P. As a graduate of another big football school, she now has another school where if she’s wearing the shirt and runs into an alum, they call out to each other. It’s happened at completely random spots - airport, different states. It’s actually really fun, imo.