University of Pittsburgh Class of 2028 Official Discussion Thread

S24 contacted the admissions office regarding registration for Decision Days. Only the Nov date is finalized.
Their response:
“We are still finalizing dates for the spring and those should be out by mid-November. Please continue to monitor our website.”

@D_G1 The acceptance video is hands down incredible! My son is now in his Junior year @ Pitt and I still tear up whenever someone in this thread mentions it. We watched it over and over again.

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Accept/Decline buttons showed up today! Applied 9/9 but didn’t get everything in until 9/20. Dietrich, Pre-Physician Assistant Studies. Now we wait for official acceptance info, I guess… what a process!


Just got the personalized email today. It’s so cool!

Direct admit for PA program is a multi-step process which sounds like it’s different than other direct admit programs at Pitt. Once accepted, my daughter was offered to apply- requires another essay and LOR.

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Thank you! Just got the letter about the GAP PA program that came with the official acceptance letter. It asks for 3 LORs and an essay, as you mentioned, by March 1, with selections being made in April. Quite the long wait!

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Yes! And only 15 spots!

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Have there been any recent acceptances to SCI? I saw a couple a while ago, but nothing recently. Just curious.

Yeah, she’s not holding her breath. She’ll probably wind up making other plans by then!

My D24 application for CS was complete on September 18 and her acceptance letter in the document center was dated September 28th. She hasn’t received the email with personalized video yet though.
Her stats:
103 weighted GPA (98 unweighted)
1540 SAT
12 APs and post AP math via DE
She’ll be applying for honors college, but hasn’t submitted her application for that yet.
Good luck to everyone’s students!


This is undoubtedly covered somewhere I missed, but–anyone have a proposed rule of thumb for Honors apps? Just by deadline, or earlier like with admissions?


My assumption is the honors college apps aren’t looked at before the deadline, but I could be wrong. I’m encouraging my daughter to just get it done sooner than later and then she’ll be done for a bit with supplemental essays. I think the acceptances/waitlists/decline all go out together in late Feb/early March from what I’ve read.

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we did not know we can submit Honor College essay later, so we submitted it altogether with regular admission via Common App. Anything else we need to complete besides essay?

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There used to be only 5 spots!! My D18 got 1 of them back in the 2017-18 cycle. She’s in the PA program now!

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On a Zoom session about the Honors program, they said, “its better to get it in early”. I’m not sure exactly what that meant - get over and done with or we start reviewing early.

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Incredible! Does your daughter love it? TBH it doesn’t appear to be my D24’s first choice for a number of reasons so I’m not even sure she’s going to bother with the next steps…

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She is very satisfied and challenged by the PA curriculum. She was well prepared as well, academically. The first 3 semesters are didactic. Tons to learn, but loves the professors/instructors and her classmates. Lots of collaboration and social opportunities. They even have opportunities for leadership through different boards and committees. Coming up in semesters 4-6 will be the rotations in 5 core areas (ob-gyn, emergency medicine, geriatrics, etc.). Do not yet know her placements, but they may not all be local.

As far as the application process, once a student is invited to apply to the PA GAP, treat that extra essay seriously as well as LOR recommendors. My D’s year, I don’t know how many were allowed to apply, but from those, only 10 were interviewed for 5 spots. That would be a good question for them - how many will be selected to be interviewed? If they now have 15 spots, maybe they interview 30 students?

Also, the program starts 1x a year in Jan. So with AP credits, its very possibly for a student to get the PA GAP, fulfill prerequisites and major requirements by Dec. and graduate 1 semester early. Then start PA school in Jan. My D did not do this because she had the opportunity to study abroad her last summer before senior year. Because of Covid, there were no study abroads, but 1 she wanted was 1 of the ones that started up again. It was Healthcare in a British Context. So she opted to do that instead of taking necessary classes to graduate in Dec.

Pitt has been a good choice rich with opportunities.

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Study Abroad for healthcare sounds incredible opportunity. Does she accumulate her patient contact hours within campus?

Yes. There are so many specialty hospitals surrounding the university, she got clinical hours volunteering. There are jobs at the hospitals too, but students need to be sure they can work part time.

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hi, what IF, you see application complete under status but don’t have buttons in accept/decline admissions. does that mean you weren’t accepted, do you get that information via email? thank you