University of Portland- Honors Program?

I was admitted to University of Portland School of Nursing a few weeks ago and am wondering if I should apply for the honors program? Anyone know if it is a great program/time investment?
Also, in general, how is University of Portland?
I appreciate any insight!

Good question, my daughter got admitted as well and I would love additional info on the program and honors.

Don’t know much about their honors program, but my daughter is a sophomore in their Nursing Peogram and absolutely loves the school and living in Portland. They have a Weekend in the Bluff in April for admitted students and I highly recommend it. That is what clinched it for my D.

Honors students always get perks so yes do apply. If you don’t like it when you can drop it at the end of freshman year .

@theally1 - I have read your post several times regarding your daughters acceptance to direct nursing programs as my daughter has almost the same stats - 3.8GPA and weighted ACT of 28. She has applied to Seattle, UP, Gonzaga, ASU and a few non direct programs. She has been accepted to Portland already waiting on the others. She is very excited to visit. I am glad your daughter is happy there! How is the weather for a CA girl? The class load? Any additional pros and cons would be very helpful. I have already booked a hotel for the Weekend on the Bluff in April