University of San Diego Class of 2026 Admissions

yes - we also have information under the Admission tab that offers congrats on being admitted but no other information is provided (ie letter or financial data). The emails to applicants must be behind their portal updates.

What are your stats?

4.42 10-12 GPA
4.16 overall GPA (I sucked freshman year)
33 ACT/1480 SAT
4 year varsity sports
Dedicated community service

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Ours as well

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On the left hand side, there is a menu bar that says Welcome and Admissions. If you click on Admissions, below that it says Applicant. That was all there before, I think. Below Applicant it now says Admitted. Also, when I used to click on that little person with “More info” it used to say something like “Ready for Review” under status, and now it says “committee review.”

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Did anyone get any signs of an invitation to the honors program?

Did you checked the email? Did you get any email from UCSD?

Honestly, this is the most confusing portal. I can’t find anything. I can barely tell I have been admitted. I am hoping it will be cleared up with an email.

OOS DS was admitted tonight - I think. Seeing the same thing as others with several pages on the portal saying admitted but no official letter or fireworks video or stuff that other colleges had. No email either.

Still in shock as we weren’t expecting a decision for at least another few weeks and son is a good but not exceptional student. Now have to worry about aid to bring the cost to a reasonable level.

If you can’t find the admitted tab its likely the application is still under review or not released yet. The admitted will show immediately after you log in


Congrats to all that got admitted. What was the major you applied?

I applied to Business Analytics.

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Congratulations!! Is this same as UCSD?

No, UCSD is part of the UC system. USD is private/Catholic

I see. Thank you for clarifying

I noticed that last night too just happened to check on sons portal. Admitted with a note that he should expect an email invite to Honors College. No Award yet. I spoke to Fin. Aid last week. They told me 3/1 would be the day and they wanted to have Fin. Aid Award with it but that it could lag a few days.

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Son is out of state. PA resident. 4.0 unweighted 4.6 weighted

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Congrats to your son!!! Do you mind sharing how many AP / IB etc classes he took? That’s an awesome GPA!!!

Nothing yet here.