University of South Carolina Early Action for Fall 2024

This is the official thread for those applying EA to University of South Carolina.

List your unweighted GPA, any SAT /ACT scores, and ECs. What majors are you going into?
Ask your questions, the CC community is here to help!


In state
3.9/5.0 top 6% of class
8 APs
Lots of ECs including HOSA, musicals, junior marshal, senior ambassador, job all 4 years
Applying EA

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4.04 weighted on 4.0 scale/3.89 uw
No class rank
Will not submit sat

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4.0 uw / 4.2 w
19 of 240
Lots of ECs
2 varsity sports all 4 years
200+ volunteer hours

As of August 1, 2023 University of South Carolina admits the top 10% from SC public high schools with >20 students in a graduating class. So, congratulations, you should be admitted!

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Oh wow! Thats so nice! I wish we were in state as well. I dont think any of our colleges here in Georgia do that. Not any that are big enough that my D24 would be interested in anyways.

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S24 (Does this mean my Son graduating in 2024?)
UW 4.0 - competitive, large public high school
14 APs - so far all 5’s on exams except Eng Lit (3)
Estimated top 3% (don’t officially rank)
1520 SAT (not superscored)
Varsity wrestler (1st team PA State Academic)
Limited other ECs other than some volunteering and unofficial peer tutoring
Planned STEM major

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4.0 UW, no rank
1560 SAT
5 APs with 5’s, taking 5 more this year
Variety of EC’s, lots of theater and a club founder
Two paid STEM jobs
CS Major
Hoping for Honors College

Quick question - on the website they say not to send official transcript unless asked for but my school will be sending official transcript to all schools I am applying thru the BridgeU system - not sure if it’s ok to send rhe official transcript even if it’s not required to be sent now / anybody ind the same boat?

Yes! Ours does the same thing. Im sure that they will be able to see that they are sent automatically. I dont foresee them seeing it and it actually going against the student.

1450 SAT
3APs, 5 Honors courses
Two long term ECs, PT job, 100 hours volunteering
Psych/Criminal Justice majors
Son got invitation after application turned in to honors college. Is this an auto invite to all who apply EA?

I have the same question. Son also received invite to apply to honors college, OOS, slightly higher GPA, slightly lower SATs/

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Mine just received an email to apply to honors college, too.

Do they send this to everyone? Or is it selective? Is it indicative of a likely yes for admissions? (Even if not selected for honors).

Tbh my child really doesn’t have much interest in honors college. Idk if it would look bad, though, not to apply.

GPA weighed 6.33 in scale of 6
ACT 35
4 APs but taking additional 5 this year
Dual enrollment in Texas for 4 classes
Gold Presidential Volunteer Award x 2
Varsity Orchestra and cello tutor
Hoping for Honors Business

I think it is his choice but my son was very impressed with their Honors program

Top 9%
1350 Super Score SAT (670 math / 680 verbal)
Hoping for Darla Moore business
Applied EA

Just received an email saying we can finalize SAT plan - either confirm SAT score or potentially choose TO instead by Nov 1. Now second guessing and wondering if kiddo should submit SAT score

I think he has a great score. We did TO because my kid although has great stats on everything else does not do the SAT well. So we did TO. In your case, I think his score may help him. I would look back at last years information to decide though.

I think if they have certain stats it gets sent. My son (a sophomore there) did get the invite, my daughter did not (applied a few weeks ago). He applied but did not get into the honors college (which is good b/c he had no interest but thought he “needed” to apply).

applied EA
3.94 UW / 4.47 W
top 10% of class
1390 SAT,submitted
6 APs
10 honors
Business Major

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