University of South Carolina Early Action for Fall 2024

I agree with you. It seems normal to me that high achieving in state students get a guaranteed admission. In our case, my daughter is unfortunately considered OOS everywhere as we are expats. There are no real safeties for her. We made a point in putting our kids in local public schools. Our problem lies with the way schools recalculate her GPA. Some understand better the foreign grading system. She was flat out rejected from two schools who gave her a 3.21 and a 3.29 GPA and accepted at two others with very good merit who gave her a 3.81 and a 3.85. We had the same issue with our eldest daughter who ended up in her top choice, but it is tough for our second daughter as she is very stressed about the whole process. We’ll see where she’ll end up. Everything happens for a reason!

Wow! That is difficult. No one even tells you these things when our kids are babies that one day alllll of these things will matter so much for college decisions.

Yes U of SC is def easier. I think Clemson and UGA are neck and neck depending on what your major is. UGA I love that they are very much straight forward about what they want and what they dont want. Clemson on the other hand doesnt seem to have a cut and dry of what they are looking for.

We are OOS for NC, SC and GA. Home state is VA so the odds of getting into our flagships are pretty small as well. Rough draw for DD24. Her first choice is U of SC, but hoping for business so a tougher, less certain path. Hoping top 9% will tip in her favor. Anxiously waiting with all fingers and toes crossed!

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They def do NOT. At our high school, at least 20-25 kids apply every year and maybe 1 or 2 get in. And these are all strong students. Then we hear of other OOS kids from other areas with lower stats getting in, no rhyme or reason. There is sort of a running commentary that Clemson just doesn’t like our high school.

We dont have many that apply to Clemson, which is weird since we are right on the border. But this year I know of about 5-6 applying and they are all neck in neck and strong students so Im anxious to see how it pans out with both Clemson and U of SC