University of St. Andrews in Scotland -- Class of 2024

One student at my child’s school was accepted, six more waiting to hear

My D received a unconditional offer for IR/English double major yesterday. She applied on October 15 via UCAS.

congrats, @kiwiforever! Is she confirming? (or does she have an interview invite for Oxbridge?)

Thank you, @collegemom3717 . I thought she would be confirming right away, but now says wants to apply to US schools to keep options open. We will see how things go. She received a rejection email from Oxford last week. Is your child going to St. Andrews? I’d like to connect with other US parents as I am pretty sure my daughter will be going there.

Wow @citimom my D17 was first to go to UK from her large (3000) high school in a decade.

@citimom and @VickiSoCal…it could be an East Coast phenomenon, but 4 girls graduated from StAs last year and 1 just entered in 2019 and my daughter will be the 6th in 6 yrs - graduating class of 170. But, girl on our street is currently in 3rd year and she met her boyfriend at StAs (he is from next town over). It is a small world and shrinking more daily

Not at StA’s, @kiwiforever - but @VickiSoCal has a D there, and there are a few other families for direct info!

Yes, always happy to answer questions. My D17 is in the 5 year MChem with Medicinal Chemistry program though, and most US students are in humanities.

Several people from my school have gotten accepted (one for the same subject), and I have yet to hear back although I applied in early October. Is this a bad sign?

I still haven’t heard back either and I applied two months ago also

I applied around Sept 5th. I have heard nothing. In my case, I consider it a bad sign. I met by a wide margin both the SAT and ACT requirements for US students, but I’ve learned those are only used as an initial hurdle. Since I haven’t heard so far, I’m thinking I won’t be getting an offer.

Definite ‘no’ responses go out quickly. If your application(s) are complete AND people have heard back from your subject already, it can mean that they are waiting to see what else rolls in- ie, you aren’t a definite no, but not a definite yes either. If your application(s) are complete and people have NOT heard back from your subject already, there is nothing to worry about. Also, sometimes it can matter whether you applied through Common App or UCAS (and, where other students have heard and you have not, if they applied through the same platform as you did).

tl;dr: you can’t assume anything :slight_smile:

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I applied through the Common App, and I haven’t seen anyone with the same major get a response.

Did anyone hear back for economics yet?

I applied for neuroscience around 2 weeks ago…not sure when to expect a response.

Accepted. I can’t believe it. I’m blown away. Received offer for Management.

Congrats, @SlimJim001!!

@greenforrest200, decent chance you won’t hear before early January.

Congrats, @SlimJim001! I know you’d been desperate to hear.

@Conformist1688 Thank you. I’m very grateful.

Has anyone heard back from the school of psych/neuro? Applied Nov 5 and still haven’t heard anything