University of Tennessee Campus Visits: Share Your Tips & Recommendations

Did you recently visit University of Tennessee? Share your experience with the community! Post your review in the comments below.

Some ideas for what to share:

  • When did you visit?
  • Where did you stay? Would you recommend it?
  • Where did you eat? Did you try any local specialties?
  • How did you get there? What’s the best transportation mean to get to-from the campus?
  • What was the campus vibe?
  • What did you think of the dorms?
  • What are some must-see things in or around campus?
  • How were the school facilities?
  • Did you like it more or less than you thought you would? Why?
  • Did anything surprise you?

We’d love to hear any tips or recommendations you can share for people planning their visit!

Would love to hear from people. This is on S24’s list and we will not have a chance to visit before he applies.

What does your son wish to study?

Even if you can’t visit prior to application, there should be “admitted student days” in March or April right before your son graduates from high school.

We are visiting next week. Will report back.

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He wants Poly Sci- interested in politics and law

D24, wife, and I visited the University of Tennessee yesterday, spending over seven hours on campus and walking over seven and half miles. Before I go too far into it, I need to preface my remarks. I am a native Memphian. All of my family and in-laws attended the University of Memphis (I did not). I grew up loving the University of Memphis (then Memphis State). Memphis is to UT-K, as UT-K is to Alabama. It is the annoying little brother in sports that measures itself against the more accomplished bigger brother. I still remember celebrating Memphis’ last football victory over UT-K in 1996 when I was studying in Scotland. Said differently, the hatred of all things orange burns bright in this one. Knoxville is enemy territory. Even considering UT-K as a possible school for my daughter has been hard.

So…to the tour. SO MUCH ORANGE! IT BURNS! The soap in the bathrooms is even orange scented! But…It really is a beautiful campus, once you get past the orange as far as the eye can see. Mountains, rivers, hills. New campus buildings. Friendly people. The campus is easily integrated into Knoxville, which is a surprisingly clean and hip town (we happened to stumble into the finals of the men’s cycling roadrace, which was neat). Our tour was well-presented. They used two tour guides (which was smart). It ensured that there was always a guide in the front and back to talk to. We had two young ladies that had their schtick down. It was amusing and informative. Our tour group represented many states and Norway. The campus buildings were generally new, though the guides did point out that the older ones were for “storage”. There is a nice pedestrian walkway that runs through the heart of campus. The Haslam Business School is quite nice and has 20+ “Bloomberg Trading Desk?”. I assume this is what is used on the floor of a stock exchange. But, what we saw in the school was very advanced (apparently, the top three most technologically advanced buildings in the state are at UT-K). The new building at the Tickle School has an incredible maker space (we went back on our own and got a tour of the facilities). The information session was…informative. We had a private meeting with a professor in the Department of Earth and Planetary Studies. She spent well over an hour with us discussing the program and showing us the labs (we were very close to Moon rocks). Now…the students in the department have their own lounge (that’s cool).

In all it was a great tour. My daughter can absolutely see herself there. I may not be able to bring myself to say “Go Vols”, but if D24 goes…I guess I could wear orange.


This is so nice to hear. I have had a few people tell me UTK is “the ugliest campus they have ever seen” and then I hear others that sound more like your description. Hard to imagine people can have such opposite opinions of the same place.

There has been a lot of new construction in the past couple of years, which may have something to do with it.