University of Texas Canfield Business Honors Program Class of 2025 - UT BHP

That means defer. It’s just a matter of semantics. Don’t over think it, but it is the same thing.

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I just got CSB with the “additional review” as well. Time to come back to this thread in about three weeks :stuck_out_tongue: !!

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Good for you, I mean that you are still in the running for both. I hope this didn’t sound flippant!

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I’m OOS from IL

Did anyone in state aa get accepted?

I’m still wondering when rejections are going to go out, haven’t seen any

I’ve only seen 2 acceptances on this thread one from northeast and one from IL

I applied in September. You would think that’s enough time to make a decision.

My daughter got into CBHP today. No phone call (unless she missed it). Portal changed around 6pm.

For those of you accepted, it would be very helpful if you included your stats.

Also, Feb 1st must not be deadline for priority applications because no rejections went out… so my guess is interviews must still be going out

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Daughter in state AA (top 4%) competitive high school, 1540 SAT (only took it once before junior year), 4 years varsity athletics (including top 3 finishes in state for 3/4 years & individual awards), robotics, (including awards & state competition) volunteering and leadership roles in other organizations in addition to NHS, Science NHS, National Technical Honor Society, 10+ AP classes, good essays, good LOR (I assume, her teachers adore her). She was admitted on Dec. 10 into McCombs and got a call about BHP interview a couple of weeks ago. She felt like the interview went very well.


Congratulations to her!

Congratulations to your daughter. Again, I am so impressed with these kids. Really hard workers.

Congrats! My BHP twin chose UT over UM (I saw you on that page) but Engineering at UM. Her twin ironically like yours applied to CS also in at UM Engineering but also applied somewhere ED and withdrew her UT application, but UM came out before she had a chance to accept the ED while we waited for financial aid. So funny. My BHP one loves it.

Here are my stats:

UW GPA: 3.98
W GPA: 4.33
ACT: 34
7 APs
National Merit Semi
Lots of EC (About 6 leadership positions) and community service hours
2 sports, captain of 1
Applied priority, interview in November, Accepted to McCombs 1/29 and BHP 2/1

That’s awesome! Glad to hear your kid is happy with BHP. Both twins got into UT and Michigan and I also have a son who is a freshman engineering major at UMich after not getting his 1st choice major at UT last year. So, for him it was an easy choice to go to Michigan. I think my daughters will be Longhorns, BHP is hard to turn down, and we can’t justify the OOS tuition with them since they both got their 1st choice major at UT. Love both schools, but can’t beat that in state tuition!

@TexasEx1998 The Engineering presentation at UT is awesome and they really explain the different engineering majors and define what each is quite well, but the idea that at 17 or 18 you know exactly what you want to do and that it’s near impossible to change out of was highly unappealing to them. Also, my CS one had absolutely no interest in ECE which they required the double if you wanted Computer Engineering so that was an easy no, especially since she was more interested in CS anyway. My Longhorn became a resident this year so yeah no way can you beat that tuition ever.

Yay for in-state tuition! So many kids don’t know what they want to study at 18, it does make it very hard that UT makes it so difficult to change majors in engineering. I don’t understand how Michigan can offer all engineering students their #1 option but UT can’t.

@texasex1998 I think that Michigan does it because they pretty much know by now that kids are going to drop out and they don’t guarantee admission into the major. UT guarantees admission into the major upon entrance. The difference though is you’re locked into that major. My daughter’s school is the same way. You affiliate after sophomore year (or earlier if you’ve met the requirements). But many change majors if they don’t have the required GPA. Michigan has figured this out.

Something else that people haven’t realized that probably makes Michigan’s application and admission process much more efficient than UT is that they don’t have auto admits. So while many people are bitter at UT about not being accepted with stellar stats, it happens at Michigan as well since no one is guaranteed admission (same with my flagship school UIUC). Also, at Michigan for those interested in Business, it’s a two-step process. First you get into a different college at UM and then later you’re admitted to Ross, so they have more time to review that part of your application. Again, different than UT. UT also has to review the AA people twice if not more since there is no guarantee of their major. So, yes, UT can probably be a lot more efficient if they got rid of AA but no chance that is happening anytime soon!

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@texasex1998 I think that Michigan does it because they pretty much know by now that kids are going to drop out and they don’t guarantee admission into the major. UT guarantees admission into the major upon entrance. The difference though is you’re locked into that major. My daughter’s school is the same way. You affiliate after sophomore year (or earlier if you’ve met the requirements). But many change majors if they don’t have the required GPA. Michigan has figured this out.

Something else that people haven’t realized that probably makes Michigan’s application and admission process much more efficient than UT is that they don’t have auto admits. So while many people are bitter at UT about not being accepted with stellar stats, it happens at Michigan as well since no one is guaranteed admission (same with my flagship school UIUC). Also, at Michigan for those interested in Business, it’s a two-step process. First you get into a different college at UM and then later you’re admitted to Ross, so they have more time to review that part of your application. Again, different than UT. UT also has to review the AA people twice if not more since there is no guarantee of their major. So, yes, UT can probably be a lot more efficient if they got rid of AA but no chance that is happening anytime soon!

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