University of Tulsa Class of 2028 Official Discussion Thread

My daughter and I talked more today. Her questions:

Can you tell me about the security on campus? Is there restricted access for buildings? Are there any lockdown procedures in case of an active shooter?

Is the campus feel that of a city with city type noises and crowds?

How likely is it to have a single room as a freshman?

Without a car, is it easy to get to the airport in case she needs to leave quickly?

thank you, from her :slight_smile:


Security is good on campus. We’ve never had an incident. Many buildings are key-card access, including dorms. We have an annual plan over the next couple of years to make all academic buildings key-card access.

The campus is in the city. But it is a bucolic campus. The roads on the outside of campus are city streets, which have moderate but not heavy traffic. On campus, traffic is light. There are not, IMO, any city noises.

Freshmen rooms are doubles. You can always pay more for a single if you’d like, but few do.

The airport is about 10-15 minutes away. Getting an Uber or Lyft is not a problem. Very easy.


Thank you for the response. It’s staying on her list :).

We don’t have Uber here, so I forget about it most of the time. Obvious answer in a real city.

Does U. of Tulsa offer scholarships for other National Recognition Scholars programs (Hispanic, Rural/Small Town, African-American), or just National Merit?

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Thanks for starting this thread, Pres Carson. We are out of state now, but I’m an OCU grad and have high regard for the benefits of smaller schools like TU. My '24 grad likes what he sees at TU, loves Tulsa (and the VR café downtown), and is a NMSF, but you don’t have an actuarial science major. If you are looking to expand majors in the future, please consider the wide range of math-related options out there.

Thanks again for being a wonderful advocate for our scholars!

My daughter is interested in the national merit scholarship, which is very generous! Question: is it possible to double major using this scholarship? Since it is potentially for five years, it feels like that would be doable, if it is allowed.

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Yes, you can use the NMSF scholarship to double major, no problem.

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Yes, that’s a great profession. You’re right that we don’t offer that. We have lots of great business programs (accounting, finance, entrepreneurship), though, and I’m happy to connect your daughter with anyone at TU who might speak to the closest thing we have to her interest.

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Not at this time, no. But they are good ideas.

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We are visiting in just over a week! We are both excited to check it out.

That’s exciting. If your daughter has any specific disciplinary interests, let me know here, and I’ll make a faculty member from that dept speaks with her. Drop me a note here while you’re on campus and I’ll meet up with you.

She is planning on mechanical engineering, but is also interested in the computer simulation area. We are hoping to check out the marching band as well. We reached out to her admissions rep as well. Thanks!

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We had a great tour and a fun time visiting Tulsa. We met with a mechanical eng professor who gave us a tour of the labs. My daughter really liked seeing those and imagining what she could do in the future. We also met with computer science gaming as she’d like to mix engineering with animation and design. She liked that the program is not just art based and is more of what she’d like.

Campus is very pretty. It was bigger than we were expecting. The tour guide said most kids live on campus all 4 years, which is appealing. There isn’t much around the area and the guide said you really need a car to do things like grocery shopping. Not ideal for sure. We enjoyed seeing the lawn mowing and food delivering robots around campus.

We spent some time in Tulsa and visited some museums and downtown. It’s a nice city overall. Not too big but offers plenty to do in the area.

She is working on the application and I’m hoping it’s in by early next week.


Thanks so much for sharing your impressions! It would be great if you shared them on this thread, too: Colleges your child crossed off the list after visiting, schools that moved up on the list. Why?

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Son is NMSF. Interested in engineering. 1) Who do you have recruiting from TU? 2) We’ve found that at other small schools there aren’t enough types of clubs and activities to be involved in. Specifically engineering teams (think cars, rockets, space rovers).

Thank you for starting this thread, very interested I. TU for my daughter. She is NMSF, 36 ACT and top 2% in her class so competitive academically. I did my medical training in OK and although live in the Midwest have a very soft spot in my heart for the state.

My daughter is very active in Mock Trial and Speech. I can’t tell if those activities are available at TU? From my web search I see that the law school has Mock Trial but not sure if available to undergrads.

I’ll try to get a list of activities/student clubs. I’ll esp. focus on the engineering related activities. So stay tuned…


We’d love to have your daughter consider TU. We don’t have UG debate, alas. But lots of other cool activities…

First of all, I’d like to say how impressed I am that TU is going all out to attract NMSF scholars with such an amazing package. And your personal touch speaks volumes about the culture you’re creating.

I do have a question. According to Hillel’s website, TU has exactly zero Jewish students, yet there is a Hillel. So I assume the number isn’t zero but probably not much more. Do you happen to track the religious affiliation of your students?

Very few campuses these days are welcoming environments for Jewish students so we’d like to understand the atmosphere a little more before asking our child to consider TU.

Yes, we have many Jewish students. I’ll get the data to you. Tulsa as a city also has a very vibrant Jewish community. Stand by.