<p>I want to apply to U of U in the fall and I see on their website that they have several nonresident merit scholarships, however, I don't know what their requirements are for those. </p>
<p>I would love to get a merit scholarship there so can anyone who has applied or received any scholarship there let me know what scores and requirements are needed to receive one! Thanks!</p>
<p>(Also, I have 1390 (CR+M) so would that be good enough for one of their nonresident merit scholarships and if so which one?)</p>
<p>The best thing to do is apply and see what happens. My 3rd was accepted to the engineering school, our EFC would be considered full pay, 3.8 unweighted and the equivalent of a 1340 (he submitted only ACT) and he did not receive any merit scholarships.</p>
<p>My DS will be a sophomore at the U in the fall. We are Utah residents however. I strongly urge you to look at the college within the U that you are interested in. My son did not qualify for merit, even tho he had the stats for it, through the University itself when he was a freshman. However, he looked at the College of Engineering and applied for several scholarships within that college. He received a very generous one
. Just be sure you check the main university page and the college page within the University. Also, the U has one of the easiest ways of any colleges I’ve seen of giving oos students in state tuition from their sophomore year in (certain things have to be met but the U can tell you the requirements. Give them a call!</p>
<p>@terinzak Thanks for the reply! Out of curiosity, what were your sons stats?</p>
<p>Also, I have been considering nursing, so that is what I plan to go into unless I change my mind. I have yet to look at any scholarships they may offer, but on the main university page I see many nonresident merit scholarships for incoming freshman. Many seem great, however I have no idea what kind of stats you need to receive them. Going out of state really depends on good merit scholarships for me, so I am trying to figure out stats for people who have received any of these scholarships to see if I even have a chance!</p>
<p>His ACT was a cumulative 30—he did not take the SAT.</p>
<p>He also had 4 APclasses–I don’t know if that factored in or not.</p>
<p>@terinzak Okay thanks! That is interesting to know. It seems like he should have been eligible for something but maybe since you are in state there was more competition for those scholarships. I hope it’s different for out of state students!</p>
<p>terinzak i wondered where he ended up going - I recall your son applied at a few of the same schools as mine although mine had a 29 ACT, brought down my the reading (mine is dyslexic and a weak reader/writer). I was surprised mine didn’t get a little ding against the cost, but perhaps the full pay thing factored (if need has a merit component for OSS). </p>
<p>He’s at the University of Utah. He has 2 scholarships (1 merit 1 need based), 2 grants (both need based) and loans. His EFC is about $3500 and we are instate. </p>