University of Virginia (UVA) vs. Virginia Tech (VTECH)

Hey all.

So currently I am trying to decide on transferring to V-Tech or UVA

Both are great schools. Have great school spirit and academics.

A little bit about me:

I have lived in Virginia since freshmen year of high school. I want to pursue a career in the medical field maybe become an OBGYN or some type of Surgical doctor for children.

I dream of living in the city so once I graduate I would like to college somewhere in Philly/Chicago/New York. (specifically the ivy leagues)

I just want any opinions to people who attend either school or don’t and just state their opinion!

I have heard that UVA can be cliche and very preppy. Not only that but I feel that I will feel pretty dumb just based on alot of the kids who go there (some ivy league rejects or even got into ivy league)


if I go to v-tech I got into the honors program etc and it won’t be as competitive.

Another thing is I don’t know how big corps of cadets are at v-tech school. I am a military child and not a big fan of the whole military environment so how bad are they?


If your goal is med school having a high gpa and good mcat scores are critical. It doesn’t matter which school you graduate from. Both schools are good and will provide good research opportunities. Main thing is to try to graduate debt free so that you have funds for med school.

You will be equally challenged at VT. Premed at any school is competitive. You also have VT Carillion School of Medicine in Roanoke.

Are you a current freshman at another college? The environments of both schools are very different. Have you been accepted already and visited both schools? Did you like one over the other?

Visit both schools and decide where you feel most comfortable. Corps is part of VT but it is not like you are in military school. My son actually like seeing them around campus and at games. I always hear it is less important where you go to school and what you major in for “pre-med”, but more about how you do and your standardize test but could be wrong. Also, consider cost given you indicate you will definitely have more to spend after UG. You cannot go wrong with either, so that is a huge plus.