University of Washington Class of 2027 Official Thread

And UW (which only has RD) should have decisions out March 1-15 and seems like bulk of decisions will be towards 15th.

Perhaps mixing up with Gonzaga?

I heard somewhere – maybe even this forum – that decisions will come out around March 4. Really hoping this is true because S23 and I have plane tickets for March 12-14 for a campus visit (which we will cancel if he’s not accepted).

I totally get why UW’s decisions are so late, but it makes me anxious in re: securing housing at whichever campus my kiddo chooses. (Top 3 are UW, CU Boulder, and UMass Amherst. UW is the only one he doesn’t have a decision from.)

(in the distance, students and parents in CA laugh hysterically)


I am going by an e mail that was recently sent by University of Washington.

When are the CA decisions? Not on my radar.

Mid to late March for the CA publics. It can be as late as the end of March.

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Jibbers crabs. That’s way too late. I imagine most kids have committed to other schools by then. What’s left in terms of housing options by late March? How do they avoid having to choose between living in a hotel or a van down by the river at that point?


I’m new to these forums, but I’m a UW alum and my daughter is a current UW freshman. My S23 has also applied and is not-so-patiently waiting. Similar stats to his sister so he’s cautiously optimistic. The emails from UW w/ decisions went out 8-9pm on March 4th last year. Seems that they like Friday evening releases in prior years too, so March 3rd or March 10th is likely this year. March decisions are also pretty common timing for many competitive Universities I believe (CA included). UW moved to Common App this year (from Coalition) and sounds like they received 10k more applications, so acceptance rates could be a bit lower too. Predicting yields will be a challenge w/ the change so I wouldn’t be surprised if they lean a little heavier on the waitlist. On campus housing isn’t an issue if you’re on it. You accept/reject by 5/1 and then I just checked and the priority deadline for on-campus housing was May 10th last year. Best of luck all!


Thank you for the inside scoop!

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If my S23 is accepted to UW, he is really hoping to get “freshman direct” into Foster School of Business. Much preferred to get accepted as incoming freshman than deal w/ the unknown of applying later (they report 30-50% acceptance rates applying later as a ~sophomore, but I’ve seen that may be trending lower). If anyone has been accepted “freshman direct” to Foster and is willing to share some stats we’d love to know what it might take. He has unweighted 3.97. We’re in-state and WA doesn’t really do the weighting thing, but I believe he’d be in the 4.25 range w/ his AP’s etc if calculated similar to CA.

My nephew is a Sophmore at UW. He was admitted to Foster with similar GPA and strong ACT score.

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Thanks JB. My daughter loves it at UW btw. It is a big school and competitive no doubt, but if they put in the work it seems manageable (dependent on the major I’m sure). Many of the majors are competitive to get into and I’m not sure there’s not a lot of hand-holding, but I also believe that some of the competitiveness adds the value to the UW degrees in this region anyway. They’ve also pumped so much cash into that campus the past decade and many of the dorms and dining halls are brand new. Along w/ all that original architecture and the setting, it’s a pretty impressive place. Like I said, I’m an alum as well so not unbiased.

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Yeah, got the date mixed up!

That doesn’t sound good. Being an international student makes it harder. We are waiting on UC decisions, would March end be too late to start looking at housing?

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Yup, I got mixed up.

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Good afternoon all,

As we near decision day(s), I wanted to see if an experienced parent can clarify the decision announcement process. I believe I saw something on the UW website that said decisions will be released between March 1 and March 15th. Does anyone know how the process works? Do they release on a rolling basis? In batches? How many batches do usually come out? Is there any rhyme or reason to the batches released (ie - by college, major, etc.)? Do they save all the waitlists and rejections toward the end?

Thanks in advance!


Discussed a bit of this above. Recently nearly all decisions have been released on a Friday night between the 3/1 - 15. So, this year that would be either Fri 3/3 or Fri 3/10. Last year emails went out Friday 3/4 between 8:30 - 9:00 pm Seattle (pacific) time (my daughter was accepted last year, and my son has applied this year). The email says “your UW decision is available” and provides a link to “view my decision”. UW NetID is needed to login and view decision (so make sure this is all set up before March). Also, last year on 2/16 an email was sent reminding everyone that “your UW decision will arrive Mach 1 - 15”, so I suspect a similar message will go out this week or next. It all was pretty straight-forward really, the vast majority of applicants learn if they are accepted, rejected, or invited to join the waitlist when the March email goes out (again, likely the night of 3/3 or 3/10 if it’s the same as prior years). Feels like they may shift it back to 3/10 this year, but that’s just a guess. Pretty sure the email went out on Fri 3/12 in 2021.


Thank you! I was under the impression they released in batches, but I think you are saying UW releases all decisions on the same day, which is frankly so helpful!

I’m sure there could be some exceptions, but my daughter and all of her friends/classmates who applied received that email the same evening (Fri 3/4 in 2022). Some were accepted, some were rejected, and several were invited to join the waitlist. No guarantee they don’t tweak the process this year of course, but it seems pretty consistent in recent years anyway.


And if anyone from UW admissions office is enjoying this thread and would like to give us an exact date, we promise not to complain! :wink: