University of Washington Seattle Honors Pros and Cons?

Hi Guys! I got into UW Seattle Honors program and I am so excited! I know being an honors student can have a lot of interdisciplinary opportunities and privileges in enrolling in smaller classes and living closer with the cohort. Plus, I really like UW’s location. I am still waiting for more offers from other schools, but UW Honors is definitely among my top choices. I bet it would be hard to choose cuz there are so many great schools😭

Since I am an international student and I haven’t heard of anyone in my school or shared experiences about UW Seattle Honors, I would like to ask anyone who is currently studying at UW as a honors student or who had graduated, or even who is a UW student to share more about the program and the school as a whole!

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I don’t think there are a lot of students here, although perhaps some parents could help with this question.

I would suggest asking your question on the UW Reddit page:

Best of luck to you!

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I agree that reddit might be a better place to find UW students.

I asked a similar question and got a few answers here: UW Seattle Interdisciplinary Honors pros & cons?

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