University of Washington, Seattle Waitlist 2025

I just got my appeal back and I was accepted!! It took 11 days to hear back!!


Hello just wanted to share some information. I’m an instate student who was waitlisted. I appealed 11 days ago and got my email this evening about my acceptance. I talked in my appeal letter on how I would be a good fit for this school and what unique parts of the school interested me. I also had my debate coach write a letter of recommendation for me. I’m a running start student who’s getting an AA in arts and science. And I was admitted into the prescience major. Hope this helps!


Hello, I received an email from the admissions office notifying me there was an update to my portal. I was taken of the waitlist, and did not submit an appeal. There is still hope!! I wish you all the best of luck.

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Turns out my appeal got rejected but I got off the waitlist last night! I think they might have done a huge wave of acceptances last night or something.

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Was anyone admitted off the waitlist that was “in state”? Seems like all that were admitted off waitlist have been “out of state”.

I just checked and I’m still on the waitlist and i’m a in state student. For those who got off the waitlist, did you receive an email saying there was an update to your portal?


Got off the waitlist as an OOS student! Super excited about it, but I literally just committed to UMD a week ago lol


Just got off waitlist OOS. Accepted somewhere else so will decline.

I was admitted off the waitlist and I am in state!

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For those accepted after an appeal or taken off the waitlist, did you still get an acceptance letter by US mail? Son was accepted via appeal on March 26 but still hasn’t received any paper letter. (So, it’s been over three weeks.) He is in-state.

no, it was just an update in the portal

Has anyone appealed to CS and gotten in OOS?

got off the waitlist yesterday

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Hi people getting off the waitlist are you receiving emails, or is it updated on your portal? Thanks!

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I got both!

When you contacted them about your appeal, did you tell them about your intent to commit if accepted? Congrats on your acceptance.

I did tell them but it still got rejected lol

Is there a way to double check that you are still on the waitlist?

You can try emailing them and see what they say but if you get a vague response then I would call.

You can probably email your admission counselor or if you go to the waitlist form, it says thank you, your response has been received. I assume that it means that you are still on their waitlist.