University of wisconsin engineering

<p>I am a senior in high school and live in ohio. I am looking to apply to wisconsin Michigan and ohio state. Engineering is the field I will most likely pursue, and I was just curious what the differences there was in wisconsins engineering program versus any other program such as Michigan and ohio state. Basically I can not decide between those three for various reasons and wanted to learn more about wisconsins specific program that makes the engineering college unique. Also I am very interested in entrepreneurship so if wisconsin has anything special in business or entrepreneurship too that would help. All feedback is much appreciated!</p>

<p>The best way to compare these three, and any other, schools is to look at the respective engineering departments online and see what is the same and what is different. Look at the various majors offered, required courses for graduation and in the major, available courses related to fields that interest you and other info. Remember you attend a whole university so also look at that. As you can see you have some homework to do. Better you do it than rely on someone without a vested interest in doing a thorough job. Check on how you are admitted to engineering in general and a specific major. UW does not admit directly to engineering (you get admitted to the university as a whole and can switch your major at any time)- you do preengineering and have an engineering freshman SOAR advisor. A few majors are competitive due to facilities space.</p>