University of Wisconsin - Madison EA Admissions Decisions

When do decisions come out for UW Madison for Early Action?

I’m pretty sure that in an email it said that it comes out by the end of December!

December 14th.

Last year EA decisions came out around 7 pm Central Time on Friday 12/15. So Friday 12/14 this year sounds about right.

Today they tweeted that decisions would be out by 12/31. Not a lot of new info there!

What twitter page did you see that from?

@coxswain2001 - I can’t link to Twitter per TOS but if you check out the admissions page and scroll down you’ll see the feed at the bottom of the page:

Does anyone have experience as to whether the decisions come out via email or snail-mail?
Thank you!

The decision will be on your portal. You will get an e-mail alerting you to check it out. However, most likely the CC crowd will be on this already so if you stay connected there, you can probably view your decision before the e-mail even arrives.

Thank you, very helpful! In viewing all the strings, what is the recommended day we perhaps stay connected to the portal?

@CaseHopes two people above you have stated 12/14.

That exact day isn’t clear yet. But someone usually calls UW and posts when “the day” has arrived (actually decisions come in waves at that point so it’s more like “the weekend” rather than “the day”). Can’t recall if there’s much heads-up warning from the AO in general, and last year (the first year of the earlier release date) there didn’t seem to be any. Plus, it was a bit of a surprise as most OOS were expecting in January. So who knows? They said by Dec. 31 in their latest communication and that’s the most current bit of info. we have at the moment.

any more news?

any update on when decisions are going out?

None from their twitter feed.