University of Wisconsin Madison EA Class of 2023

School of Education
32 act
3.9 GPA
minimal ECs
really good “why Wisconsin” essay ( I think)
no demonstrated interest
deferred from Michigan; accepted to Tulane, Ohio State, Georgia, and a few others

Thank you for your post. My D was deferred. I thought that UW was rolling admissions, i.e., as EA students decline acceptance, then deferred students would be admitted. Is that not accurate?

letters and sciences (bio)
33 ACT
3.9 GPA
3 APs, 5 IBs, 2 Honors
National merit commended scholar.
Not great ECs, but heavy on community service.
Good Why Wisconsin essay.


I think daughter put history as major. 4.96 W GPA 35 ACT; many extracurriculars and leadership. OOS

Letters & sciences (psychology)
32 ACT, 33 superscore
3.78 UW, 4.04 W
9 honors, 5 AP
Not that many ECs tbh lol

My screen stopped loading when I pressed “view decision letter”. When I refreshed, there were options for “accept/decline admission” and a bar with a link to the admitted student checklist for enrollment etc. Does this mean I got in? I still want to view my letter to get details on my major, but when I go to notifications and try to view my letter, it never loads. How can I view it?

@socalsnr Yes, you got in! You may have window pop up restrictions that aren’t allowing you to see the letter. We had to fix that before we could view ours.

@CAmom01 awesome! What do I have to do to view the letter?

I GOT IN … my email from them came at 1:00am saying it was updated lol. I don’t know how I got in tbh.

OOS pre-business (real estate)
1410 unsuperscored SAT
2 APs (4 on world history 3 on language)
97 weighted average 95 unweighted
Really good essays (in my opinion)
Mediocre recommendations

3.63 UW GPA: top 25%, IB Diploma school
1370 SAT
Pretty strong ECs and year round job w/ 2 summer jobs
Excellent letters of rec
Not sure about essays, I’d judge them as pretty strong

@socalsnr It will depend on your machine. Mac has you go into settings and change (do a google search) for step by step. My pc was easy as I just clicked on the tool bar area for ad blocker and the little icon that came up to alert me that a page was blocked and simly clicked on the correct setting to allow the website to give pop ups.

Some comments.

“Passing” AP exams likely just means getting a 3 or better- the 3 is not a good grade, compare it to a C. To get specific course credit from an AP exam at least a 4 is required.

Deferred means being put in the pool of the rest of the applicants who meet the application deadline. In recent years it seems as though most decisions are in batches- that rolling admissions policy seems to be less individual and more by a certain date than a long time ago. It will take time for UW admissions to review all of the incoming applications before determining where in the rankings now deferred students fall. Therefore be patient and wait until whenever in March.

Remember it is unweighted grades (you can recalculate) and no superscoring. I’m happy they do not allow students to superscore- concentrating on one area at the expense of another on different dates. The better students can do well in all areas at once. And- the same gpa may be the result of having similar grades for three years or improving/declining grades. Therefore some may get in with worse stats/declined with better ones since those don’t tell the whole story.

Something I learned with son’s experiences. Computers are rigid but humans are not. And humans program computers. Professors at advising know the ropes and ways to get around the inability of the computer to schedule. The written rules- hmm. Exceptions can be made for some things which is one reason for advisors. The one thing they can’t do with the computer is allow extra students into a class. That technicality for being in a major or having prerequisites met to take certain courses may also have a work around. So much you will learn.

Do remember that not all students who can succeed at UW will be able to go there. Simply not enough room or finances for everyone. Every student attending takes away the place for another student. No matter how you feel about deserving that spot there is another student who did/did not get it who may be equally deserving.

I was accepted for direct admit into the biomedical engineering program at the College of Engineering. I have a 35 ACT 3.88 UW GPA and am out of state- from WA. I was deferred from my #1 just last week so this is a good pick-me-up before the holidays!

I’m still super confused. I’m seeing so many kids saying they were accepted into specific majors in the COE like mechanical or biomedical. My daughter was accepted into the COE but there was no mention of her specific type of engineering. I thought you didn’t apply for specific programs until after your freshman year. Can someone please clarify?
Also, here were here stats:
OOS (Illinois)
ACT: 33
Rank: Top 5%
GPA: 4.0
All honors and AP courses
Strong ECs, and a super strong Why Madison essay.

Congrats to all who got in. My daughter will need to find some serious scholarship money to make this school a reality for her. It’s one of her top choices, but the price is pretty steep. :frowning:

Directly into biomedical engineering. It’s not letting me paste a picture into here but it says “it is my pleasure to offer you admission to the College of Engineering in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.”

Within engineering there are some very space limited majors, biomechanical being one of them. Perhaps UW hopes they will get some of those who want the specific major to choose UW instead of going elsewhere.

Thanks. I’ll have to ask my daughter to check the wording again. Not sure if it was an oversight, or if some kids just don’t get offered direct admission. Every other acceptance she has received has specifically mentioned her type of engineering.

OOS (Washington DC)
3.7 UW
4.1 W
1300 SAT
Rank: 18%

Decision: Accepted L&S

SAT: 1310 (700 M, 610 RW)
GPA: 3.59
Rank: School doesn’t rank
AP: US History, World History, Spanish, CompSci A, Stats, Chem
Lots of ECs and leadership positions

Intended Major: CS
School Type: Private
Ethnicity: Black and Hispanic
Gender: W

When do we get our financial aid packages?