University of Wisconsin Madison EA Class of 2023

Hi everyone!

I was accepted to Wisconsin as a pre-business major. I am very happy to know I was accepted, but just a little let down that I was not a direct admit into the business school. I feel like I showed through my application my overwhelming interest in business. Do any of you guys know how hard it is to get into the business school during freshman year?

Also, on a different note, I was accepted into IU Kelley as a direct admit and also got scholarships. I feel like that is a better option opposed to Wisconsin. Do any of you guys have opinions on that?

@halemaxw I also got into prebusiness. Did you get an email saying you were on the direct admit waitlist?

@Halemaxw - Kelley is a great school. If your heart is set on business you know you have a 100% direct admit offer there vs. an uncertain prospect at UW-Madison (posters have differed on chances of getting into WSB from pre-bus but the most recent seems to be that it would be pretty low, given that they are direct admit now). On the other hand, UW-Madison is a great school academically so many might be willing to remain in L&S as an economics major or similar if the bus. track doesnā€™t work out.

Biomechanical engineering is one of the few engineering majors that has restrictions because of the demand versus available facilities- they limit those admissions to ensure those in the major will get the needed classes.

L&S is the college/school most UW students are in and I believe graduate from. It is the default one for those not specifically in another school/college (why some things are one or the other- traditions?). Since most freshmen will need most of their classes from those in L&S it is very logical.

As above, the big decision for some will be deciding if going where they are already accepted to their chosen major or if attending UW is better for them even if they end up with another major. For business School hopefuls perhaps looking at the history of those with jobs they eventually hope to have. The school or major as an undergrad? Look ahead to any proposed masters degree in oneā€™s long range plans.

@mom3boyz yes, he can still achieve the 5 year BBA/Integrated Masters of Accountancy

Accepted: Mechanical Engineering (CoE)
OOS Female
41/42 IB Predicted
1510 SAT (790 M, 720 E)

Congrats everyone!!

I didnā€™t :frowning: maybe Iā€™ll receive an email sometime later before May 1st

Hey everybody and happy holidays. I got waitlisted for engineering and I wanted to know if anybody has any insight on how that works.

Is it a large group of applicants that get on the wait list for engineering? Is there a low or high acceptance rate off of it? Those kinds of things

Better late than neverā€¦

Accepted OOS (IL)
ACT: 33
GPA: 3.7/4.4
7 APs and otherwise all honors
Good ECs, good & specific Why Madison essay
Direct admit business

How are others feeling that got direct admit into business schools that give merit? I.e.Kelley (IN), Carlson (MN)? Madison is probably more competitive overall, but business schools at those seem to be pretty equivalent so that makes it tough to turn down the $$. But Madison is pretty darn awesome so itā€™s an interesting conundrum

Idk how I got in
GPA: 3.6
Sat: 1330
7 aps all honors
decent ecā€™s
decent essay
ok recs
direct engineering

@sunnryz You mentioned the need for serious scholarship money to make UWisc a possibility. Thatā€™s not likely, unfortunately. Sounds like your very accomplished D has other good options, though. Yes, very stressful process.

Anyone know, for accepted students, is there an ā€œopen houseā€ or ā€œaccepted students dayā€ between now and May 1 that are good days to visit the campus?

This is for my daughter, accepted from California.

Many thanks.

They are in the spring, it mentions it on their website

@dudeharv, yes there are admitted student days starting in the spring. As I recall, there was an all-attendee session in Union South, with faculty and student presentations/panels, as well as options for presentations or visits to specific schools/dorms/events etc.

Decision: Deferred
SAT: 1410
GPA Weighted: 4.1(of course now 4.5, after sending app)
Applied to School of Business
APā€™s lots
ECā€™s lots (CEO of VEI, DECA leadership, dance, lifeguard, etc.)

As upset as our D (Illinois) was at being deferred, she finally came to senses and agreed with us (doesnā€™t happen often, lol) that getting a DA to Gies and Kelley are far better options as of now. More than likely, Wisconsin could possibly accept her into the College of Letters and Science as a pre-business major in March? Though the campus is absolutely stunning, it just doesnā€™t make sense to pay for a school that rarely offers direct admit or merit aid to OOS students, while many others in the Midwest do. If your S or D didnā€™t get in now consider it for the best as competing with those whose scores Iā€™m seeing are far better could make it more challenging for them in the long run. Congrats to all those who were accepted as your hard work and dedication to your studies and ECā€™s definitely paid off.

@Illrg - Correct me if Iā€™m wrong but doesnā€™t deferred from Bus. have a better upside than someone who was waitlisted at Bus. and admitted early to pre-bus in L&S? Has her proposed course of study changed at all on the portal?

Absolutely. But thatā€™s not how I believe the deferral will work. I could be wrong. Iā€™m guessing based on her stats and being OOS, a direct admit is highly unlikely and those who do go L&S, pre-bus will only have a 50% chance of getting into the School of Business by their sophomore year. A chance a parent or student may or may not be willing to take depending on how serious a degree in business is to them.

@Illrg - you could be spot on - hs counsellor would probably know best how this scenario goes down (or any posters who have insight??). If the mid-year grades are strong thatā€™s going to help (and not sure her stats look weak compared to others who have been admitted . . . ). In any case she has two excellent options already. Congrats to her!


Parent & Family Calendar for 2018-2019

My daughter was also deferred for business school. We are OOS (Ohio). I am guessing if they do accept her in March it will be pre-business. I have also read from last year that a lot of deferred Ohio students then got waitlisted in March. For these reasons we have moved on and are considering her other acceptances (DA to Kelley and Gies) and waiting for a few more decisions to come in Jan/Feb.