University of Wisconsin Madison EA Class of 2023

This is just a future reference note for those that view these threads for website changes next year before the admittance announcments come out. The financial aid access was one thing that came early for some and not others (us). It is now uploaded for us. So, it probably wouldn’t show up if you weren’t admitted before annoucments came out, but does not mean that you won’t be admitted if it doesn’t arrive either.

In regards to the website changes others mentioned before decisions were released, my daughter’s portal completely changed and she had access to all the new features and pages such as financial aid class registration, etc. and she was deferred. I wish she had not read the comments on this board as she thought that meant there was a good chance she was accepted.

@collegedadto3 thank you for sharing that valuable information!

@collegedadto3 Wishing your daughter the best during the RD round. Can I ask a clarifying question? Did you have access to all the data in the financial aid tab for the 2019-2020year like breakdown of costs and EFC if applicable?

@CAmom01 my D was accepted into the College of Engineering - we are OOS so it was a great surprise as we assumed she would be deferred. I will say, we did have all the data in the financial aid tab just prior to the decisions being released.

@CAmom01 Thank you. Yes, she has access to all of that.

I just got an email stating that Financial aid offers should be available by Monday, January 7th. I didnt apply to financial aid. I just filed a fafsa. I am OOS and got direct admit to the biz school. Did anybody got this message?

We got the financial aid message today as well. We did file a FAFSA with Madison though we aren’t expecting any financial aid.

We haven’t gotten the e-mail yet but IIRC we receive everything several hours after most of you guys so it’s probably coming. Doesn’t matter because the FA page shows that our EFC exceeds the estimated budget. Guess I’m glad they are using MN numbers for that latter number!

Direct Admits to Bus School with APs take note of the score conversion chart:

It’s not unrealistic for incoming students with 5s in Calc B and BC, Econ Micro and Macro, Chemistry and/or Bio, Enviro Sci, Physics, and completed the language requirement (3 yrs high sch) to graduate in 3 years. And you wouldn’t be taking 18-20 credits per sem; just a reg load. This will give you a jump start on an MS or MBA.

My S was admitted to L&S as a Chem major. Two questions: what are his chances of transferring to College of Engineering after admission? Can he get an engineering minor w/o being admitted to the College of Engineering.


Accepted to the college of engineering! (Major- Industrial Engineering)
International student from India!
ACT: 34

There are no minors at UW-Madison.


Ditto the above- UW only has comprehensive majors. They also offer a few certificates that indicate several courses taken in some fields, eg comp sci. btw- UW excellent for Chemistry . I was an honors chem major eons ago and keep up via my annual Badger Chemist. Chem E and Chem are vastly different. Your son will need to decide if science or engineering is more his thing, no matter where he goes to college.

Indian students will be happy to know there are Indian restaurants around plus some west side grocery stores that carry foods from home. My info on those is old but I’m sure they are still there. H is from India and I noted the snack goodies and ready to eat stuff that would appeal to those wanting a touch of home without the cooking.

@UW2016 What are the general ed. requirements for Direct Business Admits?

@zach666 - the same as the requirements for all undergraduates, only it’s going to be packaged specifically in a way that conforms to the degree requirements for the BBA. You are best off following the guidelines on the Business page. As a Direct Admit you don’t have to worry about the Pre-Business requirements:

So there are Liberal Studies, and then Business Foundation, Prep and Core (major). Haven’t checked in detail but guessing that Liberal Studies and Business Foundation courses together cover the bulk, if not all, of the university’s Gen. Ed. requirements.

^ Correction to the above: it appears that Pre-bus includes some Gen. Eds. as well so you would need to complete those. You just don’t need to complete them PRIOR to being admitted to the business school if you are already a Direct Admit.

So to correctly recap: Pre-Bus, liberal studies, and Business Foundation probably together account for all of the university’s Gen. Ed. requirement.

I strongly believe that the more of the pre-biz requirement classes you already taken as AP classes in HS (Calculus AP, Psychology AP, Economics AP, English AP, etc), the better the chance to be a direct admit since all the pre-biz requirements would be AP credits and you won’t need to take those classes.

Is there a thread for WSB direct admits?

@dowwhatilove No, you could start one if you wanted though :).