University of Wisconsin Madison EA Class of 2023

I got accepted as a OOS Male DA to the Wisconsin School of Business with 1370/4.35 WGPA and lots of EC’s/AP’s. Does anyone know if applying for FAFSA is required for merit scholarships from UW Madison? I am middle to upper class and won’t get any money.

Accepted students do not need to take any response action until May 1, right? I would like to wait for other colleges’ RD results. Thanks.

@wch2018 - correct.

Accepted OOS w/ 34 act and 3.99 gpa! Congrats to all

Hi question my S accepted pre-business
Will he still be able to achieve a 5 year BBA accounting??

Has anyone gotten their admissions letter/packet in the snail mail yet?

^ Nope.


See post #1044

@Madison85 thank you… my question is how likely is it for a pre-business admit to get into the business school to have the opportunity to do the Imacc program… My s wants to major in accounting and Wisconsin high on his list but the thought of not getting into business school deters …

Has anyone ever asked to be reconsidered form pre-business to direct admit?

@mom3boyz – if you want to appeal the non-direct admit you should call or email the counselor’s office. With regards to later acceptance into Bus Sch though possible it’s less probable now that the school is accepting a far larger number of direct admits – some say 85-90% but I’ve no source on that. Pre-bus GPA should be stellar and essays tops to have that chance. Have you tried MN Carlson or IN Kelly?

Accounting majors in the business school apply to the IMAcc program in January of junior year. It’s a competitive process:

I assume that not every who applies is admitted.

Next there is an additional grad school application due fall of senior year. I believe there is a required minimum GMAT score that must be achieved. (Does your son do well on standardized tests)?

If not admitted to the IMacc program but the student will graduate with an (undergrad) accounting degree and has 150 credits (can include AP credits, foreign language retro credits) then he or she can take the CPA exam.

Admissions just posted on Facebook a photo of what looks like TONS of admissions packets getting ready to go out. Looks like a few folks here will be getting mail soon!

My Cost of Attendance, EFC & Need just changed this morning. The financial aid item was 0 and now it has a value. I am OOS. I am surprised and delighted to see it

Is the newly posted financial aid number loans or grants/scholarships?

@Goose15 are you able to accept/decline awards yet?

Not yet. The accept/decline awards still shows as “Access is temporarily not available. Check back momentarily.”

The way I was able to see the aid was via the “View Financial Aid” link, then selected the year", and then the “Cost of Attendance, EFC & Need” link.

I dont know. It says total Need 0.00, and total aid and the amount.(this amount used to be 0.00)

@Goose15 Did you get aid 100% to offset your need? And they are grants not loans?

Edit: oops asked and answered!

So, my son’s Fin. Aid. page says the following:

Estimated Need

Total Aid

We know already that this will be in the form of a Stafford Loan*, although right now it doesn’t specify that. Our Need hasn’t changed from a couple weeks ago when the page first posted our EFC and the COA. As we are MN residents, the calculation took that into account. Therefore, the COA (aka Estimated Financial Aid Budget) is close to in-state levels and our EFC exceeds that number. That’s why Need = 0.

*$5,500 is the maximum amount you can take out in the form of a subsidized or unsubsidized Stafford Loan as a first-time-in-college student. This amount increases something like $1000 every year.