University of Wisconsin Madison EA Class of 2023

Don’t know how it works for the other schools at UW-Madison, but the Business School clearly states what I put in post #1114.
Comes directly from the website:

High School Applicants with Direct Admission

Applicants offered Direct Admission to the Wisconsin School of Business are automatically evaluated for BBA scholarship awards based on their University of Wisconsin-Madison application. A WiSH application is not required, but we encourage you to review the Wisconsin Scholarship Hub (WiSH) website for awards outside the School of Business.

To be considered for most BBA awards, completion of the FAFSA is required. Unless requested for an individual award, no additional or updated documentation is necessary.

Notifications to students selected for scholarship awards will be sent by March 1 for early action admits and by April 15 for regular decision admits.

Twitter stated that you will receive your admissions packets soon. I would assume starting tomorrow.

does anyone know when the accepted students days are going to be?

In my kids portal it says:
“This year’s Direct Admit Visit Days will be held Friday, February 1 and Friday, April 19. Space is limited, so be sure to sign up soon!”

Guess you should have your admitted student check their portal

@countdamoney - where exactly in the portal? My son’s just says to look at the checklist, and the checklist doesn’t specify a particular admitted event. But he’s L&S so maybe it isn’t set up yet.

Can’t post screenshots, but once you log in to the site there is a “module” called “Events and Visits”.

I guess for L&S you could go here, they are all listed

@countdamoney: my kid’s portal doesn’t send him over to Canvas so that might be something specific to the bus. school. Pretty sure that the Visit Bucky events aren’t tailored to the accepted students but there will probably be something listed soon. He was just made aware of the Honors Program application (for L&S) so they are rolling stuff out as available. No worries. Thanks though!

Yea, the Direct Admit Business School probably does things differently.

^ Turns out my kid has a Canvas account but we accessed it directly using the address you gave. Guessing the link will show up at some point. My kids have used Canvas at their HS so it would be nice to continue that in college. They won’t even have to change to another app.

Is the sign up for the Feb 1 WSB direct admit event open?

Per the portal: “Registration for these events will be available on Visit Bucky during the second week of January.”

The schedule below provides a glimpse at how the day will be structured:

2019 Direct Admit Day

12:30-1:00pm Check-In

1:00-1:20pm Welcome–Remarks from the Assistant Dean of the BBA Program

1:20-1:30pm Break

1:30-2:15pm Session I–Choose an academic session

2:15-2:25pm Break

2:25-3:10pm Session II–Choose an academic session or BBA Staff and Student Panel

3:10-3:20pm Break

3:20-4:05pm Session III–Choose an academic session or BBA Staff and Student Panel

4:05-4:30pm BBA Directors and Leadership Mix and Mingle

This year’s Direct Admit Visit Days will be held Friday, February 1 and Friday, April 19. Space is limited, so be sure to sign up soon!

Registration for these events will be available on Visit Bucky during the second week of January.

Admission packet arrived. MN.

Yes, we got ours too.

The link to visits in post #1126 (above) looks like it’s for information sessions for the College of Letters & Science. Are these the general sessions for all interested students, or specifically for admitted students? We visited UW last year and did the general session and tour. Now that my daughter is admitted, we are trying to plan a second visit that’s more in-depth for admitted students, rather than repeating what we’ve already seen and heard. Anyone know when those might be? Since we’re OOS we need to plan in advance.

Update to comment #1036 and #1037 - we received Madison’s admission packet in the mail and the letter did specifically say Biomedical Engineering. Now we just have to hope some of those scholarships hit or it looks like she’s going to have to go elsewhere. Pretty frustrating to have a kid work so damn hard for so many years and then not be able to go to her dream school because of cost. But I understand that’s just how it is at some universities. Best of luck to everyone.

@MountainGrl those appear to be general sessions, not anything geared to an admitted student. You might call Admissions and see if they have a L&S admitted event forthcoming at any time, or whether those listed are most appropriate for someone discerning whether to commit. Trying to remember whether we ran into any admitted students during my son’s visit, other than those who were already enrolled and attending SOAR. At UMN they’ve combined the admitted students with general visitors for the informational component but then would break off the admitted students separately for a reception and meet & greet. Maybe UW does the same thing?

Please report back if you know what the scoop will be for L&S visits.

The Wisconsin School of Business Online Direct Admit Session is now available to register via canvas.

It says it is available, but can’t gain access. Anyone successful? It says to be logged in with netid… still there is no option that I can find.