University of Wisconsin, Madison EA Class of 2025

My daughter’s has that change too. We are oos.

OOS here

I see “course search and enroll” but not “new student to-do list” argh. OOS.

when I opened the link, it says this:

It appears there are technical difficulties with the application. Please log out and try again after a few moments …

Just had my daughter check. She is in-state. Her portal changed with a new student to-do and link to undergraduate advising. Trying not to get overly excited, but this is a big change from the normal screen when logging into portal.

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You’re killing me, smalls. We don’t have it. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN.

same killing us also

Are you in state or OOS? It sounds like past practice is to release EA decisions for in state first, then OOS. After reading above, it sounds like that doesn’t seem to make a difference with these changes to the portal. My daughter also had the course search and enroll.

Hang in there…maybe they are updating in batches?

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isn’t the “undergraduate advising” under “advising resources” app?

On another note, for people wanting to come here from California or other warmer places…it’s freakin’ cold here. We are getting our first taste of winter the last couple of days at 10 degrees (and that’s not even close to the -40 and -30 we get in January/February). I’m ready to get out of here after 21 years of deep freezes and only 3 months of warmer weather/year. I’m a California native, but the way.

But Wisconsin is an amazing school!

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My OOS student sees that too. :frowning_face:

My son has the new student to do list also - we are in state.

OOS, see the course enroll, but not the new student on the portal.

I honesty don’t think it means anything. Probably a software update or something like that.

OOS, course enroll but no new student thing. Would they really do something like that without sending out official notifications?

@Jenutzki from what I’ve seen about a lot of these “hacks” is usually they mean nothing. It could be a rollout depending on last name or major, but I highly doubt it would tip before the actual decision. I guess time will tell.

Great, one more college to add to the list that plays games with admits leading to more unnecessary anxiety and concern when they aren’t in first batches admitted. Just what I wanted for Christmas.

We are OOS and do not have the to do list. Did anyone apply for scholarships? I know we did.

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On my portal (OOS) the new student to-do list was there last night, but upon checking this morning it was gone. The course enroll button still there.

Same for my daughter.