***University of Wisconsin-Madison Spring 2017 Transfer Thread***

Hey guys,
I would like to start this so that we can share our things. I am dying to know when the result is going to be released.
I applied super earlier, mid-April.
From somewhere Asia, GPA 3.75/4.5
Two strong recommendations
69 credits for two years (not sure how many of them can be transferred because I’m from foreign country)
2yrs working experience @ government office

How about you?

Same with me, i’m still waiting as well. I’m transferring from a community college at California. I don’t like the quarter system here; which is why I applied for out of state schools.

I already looked up to last year’s spring transfer thread here. It seems that they might release the results around next week(based on last year’s thread) or starting this weekend. Though I’d recommend you to just check your status every day. I check mine almost every time lol.

Don’t worry mate, I think your application is strong with that GPA. Whats your major by the way?

@sueazmin I go for economics

Hi oribae17 and sueazmin,
I am still waiting for a decision from College of Engineering as well since end of August, and the admissions did not ask for any course evaluation from me.
Major : Mechanical Engineering
CGPA : 3.79/4.00

Hi there,

not to worry mate, I think they only ask for it depending on what school you’ve been to. If your school already has a strong syllabus, then you’re fine.
Anyways, let’s hope for the best!

I’ve read some thread and they said that the result are usually released on fridays but I’m not sure myself.

Hi Sueazmin,
GPA 3.83 CS major
I check myUWis everyday haha.
I also checked last years thread too, feeling super nervous…
Hope I can get in…

Yeah, @sueazmin . I agree that the admissions usually send out decisions on Friday. Hopefully, it will be this Friday.

Hi @cyliaxy, you have a high GPA. I believe you have a great chance of getting in.

But I already transferred to UIUC and will have 75 credit after this semester…@TimeWarp

That’s amazing, @cyliaxy ! Do you still plan to transfer to UW-Madison?

Today, my transcript has been evaluated by the admissions, and I will have 58 credits there. However, I am still waiting for a decision. How about everyone?

wow, where did you see that @TimeWarp?

@sueazmin. It’s under ‘Academics’ > ‘My Academic’ > ‘View Transfer Credit Evaluation’ in Student Center.


I don’t have it yet! @TimeWarp

I am in Actuarial Science major now, and before this transfer I was computer science major… I want to go back to CS haha @TimeWarp

I see, haha. @cyliaxy . Hope to hear great news from you and everyone here soon.

Rejected by College of Engineering ( Mechanical Engineering ), but admitted into College of Letters and Science ( Computer Science ) which is my second choice major.
Good luck to those who are still waiting for a decision. All the best! :slight_smile:

Got accepted Economics 3 hrs ago. Intl’ applicant.

Congratulations, @oribae17 !!!

Congratulation!!! @TimeWarp !!! I applied at September 29, hope that is the reason why I haven’t got the decision…Another thing is that I get 75 credit within 2 years… I started my undergrad at spring and have a gap for half year… Hope that over 60 credit will not be the reason why they reject me… Super worried now…

Thank you, @cyliaxy . 75 credits is fine because the maximum credits to transfer is 80 credits as shown in the link.https://www.engr.wisc.edu/academics/student-services/academic-advising/transfer-students/

Hence, don’t worry. :slight_smile: Wish you all the best!