<p>I know that most of the scholarship finalists were called this weekend, but has anyone heard from the University Scholars program? Since the interview weekend is the same as the one for the scholarships, it seems like notifications should come out around the same time.</p>
<p>On another note, does anyone know how many people applied and how many will be accepted?</p>
<p>phantasmagorical, when you log into your application status page on Wash U’s website, you’ll be able to see your University Scholars Program decision posted. Apparently interviews (at least for the law program) must be conducted between Monday, March 23 and Wednesday, April 15.</p>
<p>Out of curiosity, roughly how many finalists for each USP are chosen each year (and out of those that interview, about what percentage are actually accepted into the program?)? </p>
<p>One final question – the last line of my decision page states that “you will receive your Class of 2013 admissions materials from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions within the next few weeks.” I am under the impression that this notification of finalist standing for the USP serves as some marker of unofficial acceptance – does this mean that I will receive a copy of my financial aid package, etc. “within the next few weeks” (or at any rate, prior to the typical April 1st notification date)?</p>
<p>i don’t know anything about the statistics for the USP program, but to respond to your other question… just like with the merit scholarships, being named a USP finalist does mean that you are officially accepted (provided, of course, you keep up your grades and everything).</p>
<p>they’re only inviting the very most talented people for these programs. when you think about the whole point of the programs, it would make zero sense if you were chosen for a USP or merit scholarship but weren’t accepted.</p>
From what I gather, the USP program is really neat and incredibly selective… i mean, they’re essentially offering you admission to WUSTL medical school at age 18.</p>