University Studies Question

<p>Hey everyone, my friend and I both want to get into General Engineering at Virginia Tech - I already got accepted for engineering as an early decision applicant (Let's go!). He, on the other hand, is doing regular decsion but feels as though he might not get into the college of engineering. Would he have a better chance if he applied to university studies and then transferred into the college of engineering? He has not taken as many AP Classes as I have (He is currently in AP Calculus and AP Spanish) but he has around the same GPA and got a 680 Math on his SAT. Would it make sense to apply to general studies? Is declaring an engineering major your sophomore year (most likely computer science) a rigorous process?</p>

<p>He should apply to GE as his first choice and select University Studies as his second choice. If he isn’t competitive for GE they automatically look for admission in the second major. So it isn’t easier, because he would still be given equal consideration for University Studies if not competitive for GE.</p>

<p>If he goes to VT as University Studies then he has to try to do the internal transfer route which is beyond admissions.</p>

<p>That’s what we thought, but I was reading another forum (I think it was called “How I got un-defferred…sort of”) and it seemed like the admissions office did not look at his second major choice until he called them.</p>

During regular admissions they automatically look at your second choice major. My situation was different because it was early decision.</p>

<p>Hey bud it’s Vin hahahaha</p>