University Studies to Engineering//Upcoming Change in Requirement

<p>I was just refreshing my understanding of the requirements for transfering from University Studies (or any other major) into General Engineering as my son will be doing this next semester and I see that the requirements will be changing for any incoming students admitted Summer 2014 and after - essentially anyone now admitted to Tech (they do not usually take admissions in spring semesters).</p>

<p>In order to transfer you must take at least the required first semester course load (classes that an engineering student would be taking, nothing changed there..) AND have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher from those courses. This GPA requirement is changing from the current 2.0 overall requirement to a 3.0 GPA making it more difficult for students to transfer into engineering.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Into</a> Engineering - Department of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech</p>

<p>Great to know. I am not an Engineering major, but many on this board appear to be. Thanks for taking time to post</p>

<p>Adding my thanks for posting this info.</p>

<p>I’ll need to read it again when I get home, but is this for transferring in to engineering, or transferring into your specific major after your year of general engineering? I know you won’t be able to transfer from general to certain engineering majors without a 3.0 going forward (although that’s not entirely new.)</p>

<p>The 3.0 min GPA requirement appears to apply to non-engineering students applying for either GE or a specific engineering major.</p>

<p>If you are already a GE student, you must have a min. GPA for whichever engineering you want to declare, but a 3.0 “guarantees” your first choice.</p>

<p>At least the way I read it, but let me know if you have a different take.</p>

<p>It reads to me like you could ‘sneak in’ to engineering with a sub-3.0 GPA by taking the engineering class in Summer 1, taking 12 hours of engineering related classes, having over a 2.0 and applying to a major with low competition.</p>

<p>The three strikes and you’re out rule borrowed from CAUS is pretty interesting. Probably for the best though.</p>

<p>The minimum 3.0 GPA to change majors into General Engineering for a 2014 incoming VA Tech student is for sure a new change/requirement. I have the exact same document as the first link I posted in the original message, but mine is dated “Updated: June 13, 2013” and reads “minimum 2.0 overall VT GPA” required. Nothing about a 3.0. </p>

<p>The new document (see original link) is “Updated: Sept. 17, 2013” and has the added verbage regarding 3.0 requirements for new incoming non-engineering students wanting to transfer into GENERAL Engineering.</p>

<p>Chuy - my thought is that most of the engineering related classes one might try to take to do your proposed ‘sneak in’, directly to a degree-granting engineering major, would be restricted to only engineering majors.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’m not sure how they define ‘engineering related.’ If it’s as broad as ‘things engineers have to take’ you could knock that out in a year easily between math, chemistry and physics. If it means ENGE classes then that’ll be a problem.</p>