Unofficial Purdue Class of 2020 EA Applicant Thread

Interested to hear about everyone else’s situations with Purdue.

Just to give you my situation:
I applied very early back on August 28th and was accepted into the First Year Engineering (FYE they call it) program through an early decision. Although I felt like I should say that I would end up getting accepted, I never really told myself that because you see all through this website applicants who have nothing but perfect everything, but for some reason aren’t accepted to the college they applied for. I do have good numbers, a near 4.2 GPA, 29 ACT, top 3% in my school, etc. I also have a good handful of extracurriculurs. Numerous clubs and Varsity baseball for my high school. But for some reason I never thought that being one of thousands of applicants accepted at Purdue would ever become a reality. Hard work has paid off, am I right fellow seniors?

I know my story was more of a narrative than raw data, but I’d just like any of you guys to share your story with Purdue after you guys get your decisions these next several weeks.

A very sincere congratulations to anyone accepted. To anyone who didn’t get what they wanted, I wish absolutely nothing but good luck in the rest of your college search. Thanks for sharing, guys.

Congrats on getting accepted! I got into Purdue’s first year engineering as well!
I’m an international student and I’m just a bit worried that the decision came out so early… Is this normal?

S was admitted to College of Science. Will major in computer science. His stats:

35C (33E/36M/34R/35S)
3.6u/4.02w. Jr yr GPA was 4.7
Class rank 37% (too many Bs as a fresh/soph while playing travel baseball and football)
12 APs including 7 this year
Several summer CS programs, including Cybersecurity and CS50 online; programs games online that have been played by 2,000,000 people

Not sure if he will attend Purdue, although it’s in the top couple of realistic choices (I’m assuming reaches won’t come through), need to see how a few other schools come out, but very happy with it as an option. We’re all pretty happy that this one came out so early–makes a lot of his other applications irrelevant.

D accepted last night for Food Science!

Stats - 1880 (falls in high 50% range for food sci candidates), couple of college classes, couple of APs, GPA 4.0, moderate community service, honor societies, and club involvement (w/leadership). Class doesnt rank, but she is in top 20% (we asked off the record). The usual for smart kids not trying for ivys.

Purdue is in top three choices for attendance.

D16 was accepted for Food Sci too.

I was accepted for CS just yesterday. So excited!

I finished my application around the end of September. I was expecting a decision much later than yesterday, but it seems that most applicants haven’t finished their apps yet. I’ve heard great things about the school. It’s a big campus with a good CS program, happy to be admitted.

SAT: 2100 SAT (640 CR, 770M, 690 WR)
GPA: 4.6, Top 5%
5 AP’s, Paid Internship over the summer at the National Cancer Institute.

Good luck to all in their college process

Congrats to all who received the early notification yesterday. Did merit awards come with your acceptances?

Accepted into First Year Engineering yesterday!

I also finished my app around the end of September (September 22nd to be exact) and I’m so glad I got in. Purdue and Texas A&M are my top 2 schools, so I’m really happy I got into one of them. This is a great school with awesome facilities and a wonderful reputation. I was accepted into some other colleges but now I can forget about them haha.

SAT: 1890 (680 CR, 600 M, 610 WR)
GPA: 3.8 UW, 4.2 W
Top 24%
8 APs
Varsity soccer and captain (3 years) and Travel soccer club (5 years)

I got accepted for CS too!
I was very surprised to see how early the decision was made, but I did apply on October 1.

ACT: 35C
GPA: 4.0 UW, 4.3 W
11 AP’s
A bunch of extracurriculars

Good luck to those who are applying!

Hi @collegemom2boys …D just received an email saying that she was in and a link to look at some stuff. It mentioned getting something in the mail and setting up an account so maybe…hopefully…some merit will be mentioned in the letter. but no mention of merit in the email.

Accepted into FYE!

SAT: 2200
GPA: 5.0 W (weird scale), 4.0 UW @ local community college
Class rank: Not listed
6 APs
Varsity football, life sciences research, economics research, biology club founder, etc

So excited! Hoping to hear something from the Honors College within the next few weeks (but all that really matters is the acceptance). Good luck to everyone else.


Admitted to first year engineering
SAT: 1790 (640M, 600CR, 550W) (terrible I know)
GPA: 3.9 in HS, 4.2 in AP courses (converted from British system) (22 credits of ‘AP’ courses)
Class rank: Top 10%
Various ECs including volunteering, being a senior prefect, representing my school at various sports

Also an international student (People do say its easy for internationals to make it to Purdue for some reason)

Congrats everyone! I am impressed with how quickly Purdue made decisions.

Have any of you received letters in the mail? D just received an acceptance email so we are wondering when the letter will arrive.

No, but the acceptance letter was available in the application tracker with the account and login info on Sunday.

Accepted into health sciences/pre med concentration on October 27th, Applied October 5th

Act 30
Gpa: 3.54 uw

8 Ap classes
A lot of honors classes
10 extracurricular activities
100+ volunteer hours
No class rank

Minnesota Resident

My son got this one too! New Jersey resident. Perhaps you too will get to know each other down the road :slight_smile:

Hi there - I have same question for son on merit aid. Decision letter was in the application tracker. Accepted into Health Sciences/Pre Med. Question on Trustee and Presidential Scholarships… do they have to do the separate scholarship app for these or are they automatically considered with EA application? Secondly - Do you have to accept before you can create the Online Student Career account? As much as he wants this one, he wants to see what else comes across the table - However do not want to miss the boat on this one so to speak for any Scholarship consideration. Thank you for input all - And CONGRATS to everyone so far!!

Thank you @tvtravel89 Firstly, I also had the same question regarding scholarships and I will get back to you as soon as I find out. Secondly, Yes you have to be officially admitted in order to create the online student career account. If you have any other questions please ask! Thank you once again

I’m from Houston. Purdue is pretty far from my home… and cold compared to this current 86 degree weather! But I just received my acceptance e-mail! So excited!! :slight_smile: Congratulations to all of y’all!