Unofficial Purdue Class of 2020 EA Applicant Thread

@envieng82020 My D is OOS FYE applicant. Her file has been complete and listed as “complete ready for review” since 10/26. You are not alone.

@thatone1 I posted this in the results thread, but I’ll copy it here. Sorry it’s really long haha.
Decision: Accepted

SAT I (breakdown): Did not take.
ACT (breakdown): (I’ll give the highest subscores of all three tests I took)
Math: 29
Science: 35
English: 36
Reading: 36
Writing 6 (18 on new test)
Composite: 33
Superscore: 34
SAT II: Did not submit.
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 1/178
AP (place score in parenthesis): European History, US History, Calculus, Psychology (Did not send scores)
IB (place score in parenthesis): None
Senior Year Course Load:
AP Psychology
Drawing/Student Assistant
AP Calculus
English 101/102
Honors Physics 2
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.):
National Merit Scholar Commended

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Summer Camp Volunteer (Regional Group Leader), Teen Court Juror, Varsity Scholastic Bowl (Captain), Prom Committee, Yearbook Club, Chamber of Commerce Student, National Honor Society, a few other activities that aren’t significant enough to write here.
Job/Work Experience: None.
Volunteer/Community service: Teen Court, Summer Camp volunteering, lots of other smaller stuff on the side
Summer Activities: Volunteering at the summer camp, teen court
Essays (rating 1-10, details): Common App Essay- 8. I wrote about my lifelong passion for dinosaurs and how a degree in computer science would help me make advances in this field.
Activity Essay- 6. I wrote about volunteering at my summer camp and the leadership opportunities I have there, things I have accomplished, why I do it, etc.
Why Purdue Essay- 5. Pretty bare bones (You can’t do too much with 100 words) I wrote about specific aspects of the computer science program that I like.
Why Major Essay- 5. I wrote about why I like computer science because of problem solving and a general interest in STEM.
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details):

Teacher Rec #1: 8. I didn’t read the whole thing, but he read me a few lines. It sounded like it was heartfelt and funny. I know him from NHS and Scholastic Bowl as well as having his class, so I feel like he probably knew some personal anecdotes to write about.
Teacher Rec #2: 7. I didn’t read this one. I had this teacher for two years and she seemed excited to write a letter for me, so I assume it was a good letter. I put a 7 because I do not really know for sure.
Counselor Rec: 3. She sent it to me after I sent out my apps. It had a lot of grammatical errors. I don’t know if that matters. It didn’t have a lot of personality. Just a basic list of things I have accomplished. It wasn’t her fault. We don’t know each other very well because my school switches the counselors frequently.
Additional Rec: Did not send.
Interview: Did not interview.


Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes.
Intended Major: Computer Science
State (if domestic applicant): Illinois
Country (if international applicant): United States
School Type: Public (1,000-2,000 Students)
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female
Income Bracket: Not sure. Middle Class.
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.):
Female in STEM, two grandparents, both parents, and my aunt and uncle went there, grandfather was a professor there.

Strengths: GPA, ACT composite, class rank, took double science for two years so I’ll graduate with 6 years of science total
Weaknesses: Supplemental essays, ACT math and writing scores, counselor rec, extracurriculars were not related to science
Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: I have decent stats and a really strong legacy.
Where else were you accepted/deferred/rejected: This is the first decision I have gotten back.

General Comments : I was excited to get my decision since a lot of my friends have already gotten decisions and have chosen where they are going to school! Congrats to everyone who got in, and to those who did not, I know you’ll find the perfect school for you.

Does anyone know what’s going on for the engineering committe because it seems like they are the only college in Purdue not notifying their applicants of anything. I applied oct 25 and everything was received by the 30. Does it matter that I’m OOS?


I don’t know what you are talking about. Plenty of FYE have been accepted.

Doesn’t seem like it between the last half week of October. Haven’t seen anyone say they got into FYE

@purdueenthusist I have not heard anything either. I am OOS and applied October 26th, and I’ve seen a few responses but not very many. FYE is Purdue’s most competitive or one of the most competitive programs so it makes sense that the apps may take longer to review.

Either way, here’s to hearing back from Purdue sometime soon!

I agree that reported FYE acceptances have seemed slow lately, but maybe that’s just my impatience showing! My kid is also an OOS applicant (applied Oct. 30).

Ya I hope so getting super nervous.

I personally applied to the college of science, and even though I rushed my scores and everything on Oct 28, they claimed to have gotten everything Nov 4. I noticed that many people seemed to be getting their decisions that said they got their scores by nov 2, so I think we might only have to wait another couple weeks max until its our turn.

@purdueenthusist I applied on November 1st and all required materials were received by Nov 4th. I got my decision on 25th November for FYE. And I’m an international applicant
I have a friend who applied at the same time and got his decision on Nov 10th

Another OOS FYE applicant… had all my materials Nov.2. Still waiting

My daughter is also OOS FYE applicant still waiting for a decision. Application & all supporting materials received by October 31.

How can it take so long? :’)

@McKilla99 Last year (2014), there were 15537 applicants for Purdue Engineering. I don’t know how many were in the EA/Priority pool, but I suspect given the limited resources of public schools it takes a while to go through so many applications. By the way, 8325 were offered admission and 1801 accepted the offer.

Purdue received my DD’s application and all the supporting materials by Nov. 3rd, but the online application status has not changed since then. I suspect they will let us know before Xmas holidays.

I’m an OOS from California and I was accepted on November 5th. I sent my application on 10/16
I was accepted for computer science.
ACT: 29 composite
GPA: 3.49 UW, 3.75 W
APs: Physics 1, Physics C, Calc AB, Microecon
I took a few honors in math
I took two computer science classes at my local community college. I think being from the Silicon Valley and shadowing tech companies and as well as my essays helped strengthen my application.
I’m hoping to hear back from Ohio State soon.

Don’t know for sure but don’t international applicants have a different admissions office? If so, then being OOS seems like there is some type of hold up in FYE admissions.

Yes, there definitely seems to be a delay. I know students in my school who have been accepted for Business and other non-FYE majors, but do not know of any prospective engineers who have heard back. I’m still waiting as well from OOS.

Had a friend get in for FYE (we’re OOS) a while back, but he applied a while back to, before the rush.

I guess I (and the rest of us who applied last minute on the last day) are gonna have to wait a while. I’m sure the adcoms are just dealing with the huge rush – though hopefully they’ll be out soon.

When I click the button Fall 2016, I am getting an error message saying


/prod/*******.P_DispStatusSaradap has been permanently removed from this server.

Is anyone else having this problem?