Unofficial Transcript

<p>My status has just changed to reviewed within the past couple of hours. On my unofficial transcript it only shows the Tacoma campus, but I got accepted to Bothell as well. Under that it says status with nothing there. Does it upload right after being reviewed? I'm so nervous, does anyone know anything?</p>

<p>Someone on the board never got the transcript to load but received an acceptance letter but that is rare. Did you apply to all 3 campuses?</p>

<p>Yes, I applied to all three of the campuses, but only the Tacoma transcript shows. Is it supposed to load immediately upon the status change?</p>

<p>That might be the problem. You mentioned that you have already been accepted by Bothell but only show Tacoma? If so, they may only end up loading the transcript to the University that you send your deposit in for. You may have to wait for a letter (usually not too long!) from Seattle.</p>

<p>The thing is, I never sent a deposit to either school. I am just praying for the best. The next couple of days will be nail biting.</p>

<p>Good luck!!!</p>

<p>I’m thinking they can only load one so the first one that you were accepted to was loaded? Then when you do send a deposit for the campus you choose, they will load that one.</p>