Unranked applicants- How long did it take TAMU to assign a recommendation for you?

<p>If your school does not rank A&M has someone assign one to you based on your transcript. Just wondering how much longer I should expect to be on step 2 for as this is all I've been waiting on.</p>

<p>Our school does not rank. It took a week or so if I remember correctly. That was back in August. It may be different now since they have so many more applications to review.</p>

<p>It took a week for me and I applied on Dec 1</p>

<p>I submitted mine on Nov 21st and was assigned 2 days later</p>

<p>Wow compared to my application that is fast. I’ve been waiting for an assigned rank for two weeks now. Maybe it’s because I’m international so its more complicated.</p>

<p>My transcript and school profile were received on November 26 and my transcript was processed on December 9. I was assigned a rank yesterday. As I am an international student as well, I agree that it probably does take longer for A&M to assign a rank. When was your transcript processed?</p>

<p>Do you have to ask them to rank you? I am an international Student as well. Submitted on 2nd December. So far my Essays have been processed. My school doesnt rank. Do I have to ask them to rank me or do they do it automatically? Also do we have to mail our transcripts or is just uploading them via the AIS enough? Thank you :)</p>

<p>They’ll rank you automatically as long as your school let A&M know they don’t rank.</p>