anyone know about this school and their high school program ?
The high school Drama program at UNCSA is only for 12th graders. It is run by Kelly Maxner. He has very high expectations of his ensemble. The program is geared towards students that are applying to college Theatre programs and more specifically BFA Acting/MT programs. You can expect to be busy from 8am to 9/10pm Monday through Friday and have Saturday rehearsals & performances. Sunday is your only “day off” but you’ll have homework and laundry to do. The high school academic teachers are excellent and truly enjoy teaching in this creative environment. The theatre related classes are taught by undergraduate faculty members. The high school has its own dorm and academics building. Many of the students that go through this program end up with multiple offers from top tier Theatre programs. The intensity of the program will definitley help you figure out if a BFA Acting/MT progam is right for you.
@fishbowlfreshman gives an excellent run down of their college program in this thread
Hope this was helpful and I’m happy to take a stab at any other high school program questions.