Unsure About Purdue Engineering

Hi :slight_smile:

I just recently sent in my deposit and will be enrolled in the First Year Engineering Program next fall. I plan to eventually major in environmental engineering.

The problem is I’m not sure if it is the right career path for me. I am really passionate about animals and the environment, but I don’t necessarily want to do anything in engineering specifically. Although I think there are a lot of cool opportunities in the field, I always just imagine myself working at a non-profit that saves sea turtles or something.

I think I just wanted to be in engineering to feel smart/impressive. While I’d be fine with giving it a try and changing my major if I find I don’t like it, I am worried it will be too hard/hurt my GPA. I consider myself a smart person, but I’ve struggled to find motivation to study/try in school these past few years (due to problems with depression/anxiety/whatever). I worry I will be miserable. I also don’t want to lose my scholarship only to end up joining engineering again later on…

I also don’t want to miss out on the experience of partying and all that… but I also want to make friends that are smart and value their educations… so within that I’m struggling to pick a residence hall.

Any advice would help hahahahhahah :smiley:

See if you can defer matriculation at Purdue for a year; if so, go out and work at something that interests you. College isn’t going anywhere, you’ve got some time to figure things out. And while you might put your scholarship at risk with a deferral, in the long run I think it’s better to be in the right place than to spend several years in misery.

Thank you for your response! In the back of my mind, I think I have realized that taking a gap year might be the best option for me… but I think I’m scared haha. I’ll consider it some more thanks :slight_smile:

I don’t think Purdue allows you to defer. You should check with the university. That said, I second the gap year idea.

@yoongologist You can defer at Purdue. Good luck!

You can also switch majors now or at STAR. It’s much easier to switch out of engineering than in so you should be OK. Also, you don’t pick resident halls, only the type of room your want. (New this year).

Purdue FYE is pretty grueling. If you aren’t committed to engineering you should probably change your major.