Unsure where to go from here

<p>Hello all! Right now I am attending a community college in Virginia for business management, but I'm not sure I'm doing the right thing. I wanted to major in business management in order to start a family owned business with my dad, but I am also very interested in music. I play the guitar, I would say average to above average with a little bit of knowledge of theory. I don't think I'm ready to audition for anything, especially because I get very nervous when I perform alone. I was looking into music production and engineering, and that also seems like something I would see myself doing, but I wouldn't know where to transfer after. Basically what I want is a major that would get me more serious about playing the guitar, improve my skills and knowledge, and maybe give me some performance confidence (and confidence overall) in the long run. For the business path though, maybe it would be a better idea to change my major to accounting, and double with some sort of music major? I'm just really unsure of what to do. Any help would be appreciated</p>

<p>Hi Confused. Are you working with a private teacher at all? Ifyou are, they are an excellent resource.</p>

<p>If not, is there any music department at the school you are in currently? If there is you can often sign up for music lessons or classes even if you are not a major. If there is no music department, is there a near by university with one? If you are not currently working with a teacher, that would be the first step to getting your own skills assessed for your ability to double major. You can also take courses without majoring in music while you develop your skills. </p>

<p>As to the major, what draws you to accounting instead of business for a double major?</p>