<p>Unlike the discussion currently raging in the "Expensive private college versus State University" thread, I am currently torn between my least expensive college choices--- a well-known state college and a cheaper (with scholarships) private school that isn't even discussed here on CC.</p>
<p>At my state school, I will be "just a number" and the location is not ideal for my planned major.</p>
<p>At my second choice, I could be a top student at the college, but without being challenged. The school is small-- so small that former classmates who now attend this school say it reminds them of high school. Also, I feel like I would be as a disadvantage if I applied to graduate school from an unknown college.</p>
<p>The deal breaker? State U is about $5000 MORE expensive every year than my second choice, private unknown college, which may add quite a bit to my student loans.</p>
<p>Any advice? I'm curious to see how others have acted in a similar situation.</p>