unusual -- grad school

<p>So I know this is mostly undergrad but I thought I'd take a stab at it. The princetonreview board for grad schools is pretty dead and maybe someone here knows something about this...</p>

<p>I am a Chinese major at UNC-Chapel Hill (happy to give advice on what I feel is the greatest university ever) looking to apply in the next couple years to grad school for East Asian Languages and Cultures programs (Chinese focused). I'm going to take some time off first, go back to Beijing and work for a while, but I'm trying to get a headstart on the search for schools. So far my list is --</p>

U of Hawaii Manoa
National University of Singapore</p>

<p>Does anyone know of some other good programs? Which schools have what strengths? Competitiveness of applicants? There is a serious dearth of information on the internet about East Asian Languages and Cultures grad programs.</p>


<p>Suggest you post this question on both the parents forum and the graduate school forum. You'll get a better response.</p>

<p>I was going to suggest you post this in the grad school forum here on CC, as the previous poster said.</p>

<p>oh sorry! Didnt know there was a grad school forum. Thanks!