<p>Some applications ask for special experiences or unusual hobbies. So what exactly makes a hobby unusual? Did you guys use the space to list all your hobbies, or did you select the most important/"unusual" (whatever that is...) one?</p>
<p>i would put any hobbies down that other kids probably dont do. for instance, i really like genealogy and i spend a fair amount of time working on that. i put that down.</p>
<p>of course, dont put any hobbies down that involve drinking or other illegal activities, haha. also, i wouldnt put down things like WOW or other video games.</p>
<p>I'd put down my hobbies of knitting, beading, and collecting drink recipes... he he. I also listed my fluency in languages (if there is no other spot to list them), and an award (cuz the app didn't have any other spot to list).</p>
<p>Unusual means... not sports/games (unless it is like croquet or some other obscure sport), not reading or writing (unless you've done interesting, specific things with the reading or writing: they mostly don't want you to list things that can be easily generalized)</p>
<p>Thanks for your answers! Did you explain each hobby, or did you just list them?</p>
<p>I'd explain them a little, especially to make them see what was so "unusual" about them.</p>
<p>bondage, domination</p>
<p>bondage, submission.</p>
<p>Ernie H. and I were made for each other.</p>
<p>I like to create ridiculously large electronic devices out of cardboard. ;)</p>
Ernie H. and I were made for each other.
<p>how cute. /<em>/</em>/</p>
<p>always room for one or seven more, andreaaaaa.</p>